Sam Daily

May 29, 2016 01:38

So, Sam ends the season by being blamed for the "archangels, Leviathans, and The Darkness", and then gets shot at. Interesting that he's blamed for releasing the Darkness, and yet... he has no part in the conclusion of that storyline. So, is Sam dead? Dying? Some other option? And now I get to worry about Sam all summer. *sigh*

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supernatural, sam daily, toni bevell, 11.23

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Comments 30

vyperdd May 29 2016, 09:14:17 UTC
I don't think Sam is either dead or dying. We didn't hear any sound of him getting shot, not a grunt or cry of pain. Nor did we hear him falling and hitting the floor. I'm thinking it was a warning shot. Remember the British MOL's want him alive to "answer for his crimes" so I really can't see Toni having shot him ( ... )


casey28 May 29 2016, 10:07:46 UTC
Since the gun was pointing right at him, and she didn't move to aim elsewhere, then how can it be a warning shot? And I thought that the sound we heard was the shell casing, no the bullet. It's true that we didn't hear him hit the floor, but maybe he didn't fall instantly, or they could've cut the sound of his reaction. Toni could injure him with the bullet, and still keep him alive to answer for his crimes, or she could've screwed up and killed him anyway.

When did Jared talk about this recently? The last I remember hearing him talk about Sam's powers and demon blood, was at the beginning of season 11, and he wanted our opinion on whether it was still a thing.

She doesn't show any sign of shock or amazement at Sam suddenly vanishing or the bullet being diverted.Yes, she didn't show any sign of that at all ( ... )


tabaqui May 29 2016, 15:04:56 UTC
It takes a very tiny degree of arc to hit vs not hit something. She was far enough away, she could have very easily just fired over his shoulder, or hit him in a non-fatal area of the body. But yeah - i don't think he's dead at all.


casey28 May 29 2016, 16:18:28 UTC
Ok, but she didn't move her arm at all, so how is that possible? We didn't see her change her aim.


milly_gal May 29 2016, 09:51:21 UTC
Neither, he's either been zapped out by Castiel, or something else has happened to save him fromt he bullet, I refuse point blank to think he's dead. That or his latent psychic powers amped up after he got given the mark very briefly and he managed to stop the bullet himself!


casey28 May 29 2016, 10:19:19 UTC
It takes time for an angel to return after they've been zapped, so it can't be Castiel saving him. Maybe his psychic powers came back, though as vyperdd pointed out, she didn't act surprised or amazed. I dunno... I really have no clue what's going on, but why have a cliffhanger, if Sam is totally fine. I mean, what's the point?


milly_gal May 29 2016, 10:22:00 UTC
To introduce the possibility of something new happening with Sam.


casey28 May 29 2016, 10:33:38 UTC
Sorry, i should've made the last sentence a separate paragraph. What I meant is nothing happening to Sam at all, like she missed hitting him with the bullet. I don't see a point in that being a cliffhanger. But if it's about a powers storyline and he's fine, then it gives the cliffhanger a purpose, and that's cool.


ash48 May 29 2016, 11:15:16 UTC
I think all the blame was a deliberate ruse. Not a nice one, granted, but considering he was blamed for things we know weren't directly his fault I think this is a set up for Toni finding out the truth about the Winchesters and probably ending up on side.

And yes. It was a deliberate cliff hanger to have us guessing and worried etc. for next season. Pretty much text book soap opera style cliff hanger (and boy have they been adding that soap element a lot over the last few years).

It would be a bizarre way to start with Sam dead - and Dean missing, so I'm pretty sure she either deliberately missed or Sam was somehow saved. I'm actually hoping Toni will realise (like Hendrickson did) just how much the Winchesters have done to save the world over time. I'm hoping she's not the new big bad or an Amelia type character for Sam.


casey28 May 29 2016, 16:14:36 UTC
It could very well be a ruse, and she might end up on their side. Yes, he gets blamed for things that aren't directly his fault, but it's weird to me that the show chose to single him out for blame about the Darkness, and yet completely ignore the role that Sam played in releasing it, and excluded him in the resolution of that storyline. Yes, it's not all of Sam's fault, but it's being treated as if it's only Dean's storyline, not Sam's.

Ah, a Sammy soap opera. Didn't give him much to do in the finale, so I guess they felt the need to give him something of interest in the storyline, even if it's about next season.

Well, Sam being dead would be a twist, because it's Dean who was supposed to be dead. Or maybe she missed, but she didn't move her arm at all, so I'm not sure how that would work. Or he gets saved somehow.

I'm actually hoping Toni will realise (like Hendrickson did) just how much the Winchesters have done to save the world over time. I'm hoping she's not the new big bad or an Amelia type character for Sam.Maybe ( ... )


tabaqui May 29 2016, 15:07:32 UTC
Oh, they're blamed for everything all the time. Blamed for Lilith killing the people at the police station when - how could they have possibly known? Blamed for 'starting' the apocalypse when every angel, and the archangel's themselves, tell them that it's a set up with a cupid forcing their parents to fall in love, etc. They're manipulated and lied to and then blamed - it's a guilt trip our boys never fail to fall for, bless their little souls.

I think Sam's going to either be hurt and go all BAMF!Sammy, or he's *already* BAMF!Sammy and did something amazing.

I cannot wait to find out. :)


casey28 May 29 2016, 15:38:00 UTC
Sam gets singled out for blame more, but both boys do get blamed a lot. And yes, those are good examples.

it's a guilt trip our boys never fail to fall for, bless their little souls.

Poor bbs!

So many possibilities! Yes, he could be hurt, or somehow avoided the bullet, etc, etc.

I can't wait to fin out, either! :)


wind_storms May 29 2016, 16:57:15 UTC
casey28 May 29 2016, 17:14:55 UTC
All of these things are possibilities. He could be injured. The powers thing is a long shot, but it would be interesting if they went there.

Sam being dead, when it's Dean who was supposed to be dead... I thought they might do a set up like that, and then Dean needs to figure out a way to bring Sam back. They talked so much about the Empty, but nothing came of it. It would be interesting to see how Sam could be rescued from a place where no one can supposedly return.

I hope the boys aren't separated for several eps. That's a good point, the ep could start with Sam being questioned, BTVS style.

Lucifer can't go back to his true vessel unless Sam consents, and I can't think of any reason why Sam would say "yes". I think Lucifer will be a loose end that they can ignore, or bring back again in the future if they want to.


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