FIC: The Third Roommate (16/?)

Apr 05, 2012 16:21

Title: The Third Roommate
Rating: PG-13
Genres: AU, Romance, Angst
Word Count: ~ 1,800
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Characters are property of ATWT, CBS, P&G etc. No profit is made from this fan creation. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author's Note: Thanks to my beta ditzybea!

Luke let out a sigh of relief as soon as he closed his bedroom door, leaning himself against it for a moment, relieved that he hadn't run into Jason on his way back to his room. Now that he was alone the blond felt his eyes fill with tears, but he fought them back because he had made the decision to end whatever he and Reid had and now he needed to learn to live with it. Right now he felt a pang in his chest but I told himself that it would go away as time went by.

The blond took a deep breath before he pushed himself away from the door to head for his attached bathroom. He undressed and stepped under the shower spray to wash away the remaning physical reminders of his last night with Reid. Sometime between brushing his teeth and fixing his hair, Luke decided that it would be best if he would try to act as 'normal' as he could around his roommates, hoping that he and Reid could still be somewhat friends. He snorted to himself 'Yeah like there is a big chance of that happening' Luke thought but that wouldn't stop him from trying as he felt like he didn't have another option right now.

When he walked down the hallway, he found his roommates already sitting at the kitchen island and immediately felt his heart beating faster against his chest. As Luke neared them he could see that Reid was scarfing down a bowl of cereal while it seemed like his other roommate was typing away on his cell phone.

"Morning." Luke said, making his presence known.

"Hey! Good morning Luke!" Jason greeted with a smile, before he turned his attention back to his cell phone.

Luke had poured himself a cup of coffee and turned around, leaning against the kitchen counter. His eyes unwillingly lingered on Reid who seemed to have decided to ignore him as he kept his eyes focused on the bowl in front of him. He teared his eyes away from the older man after a while and was surprised to find Jason looking at him. 'Shit I bet he noticed that I've been staring at Reid' the blond thought.

"Our Reid here is a bit grumpy this morning." Jason said playfully poking his older roommate in the ribs.

"Leave me alone." Reid muttered, pushing his friends hand away.

Jason turned his head to look at Luke, rolling his eyes. "See? I thought he'd be in a much better mood since he got laid last night." He teased and didn't notice that Luke almost coked on his coffee because he was already looking at Reid again, who suddenly looked at him with a shocked expression. Jason chuckled. "Don't look so shocked man. The walls in this apartment are pretty thin and you weren't exactly quiet. So did you pick up guy while you were out running or what?"

"Maybe he has been showing off his skills on a mechanical bull again." Luke said with sweaty hands. He wanted to slap himself for saying it after he saw Reid glaring at him but it had been the first thing that came to his mind and somehow he wanted to stop the older man from answering Jason's question. He hoped that their roommate was curious about the story with the mechanical bull and he could sort of distract him with that, which seemed to work.

"Mechanical bull? Again?" Jason asked, looking back and forth between his roommates before he focused on Luke again. "Don't tell me you got him to go bull riding with you?"

"Well I kind of tricked him into it to be honest." Luke admitted with a shrug of his shoulder and couldn't help smiling at the memory, while he heard a faint snort coming from Reid.

"I wish I'd been there to see it with my own eyes." Jason grinned. "What else did I miss out on while I was in LA? What have you two been doing in the past six weeks?"

'Been having mind-blowing sex' Luke thought. When he saw that Reid was about to reply he quickly answered "Um you know nothing special. We meet for lunch a few times, or watched TV after we had dinner together and played a game of chess now and then."

Reid suddenly got up from his bar stool, grumbling something about needing to go to the hospital before he left the room; slamming the door behind him.

Jason sighed. "I thought you told me you were getting along better now. Did you have fight or something?"

"No we didn't have a fight. I have no idea what's going on with him." Luke lied. He wondered if he should talk to Reid again so that they could figure out how to act around each other from now on, but thought that it might be pointless. It seemed like Reid was pretty pissed and Luke knew he wouldn't do anything he didn't want to anyway. "You know how he can be sometimes."

"Yeah I guess you're right." Jason replied. "Or maybe he just hates the fact that I'm back."

Luke chuckled. "Don't be stupid. You know that we both missed you." He glanced at his wristwatch. It was probably a bit early to leave for work, but he decided to go anyway before Jason could ask even more questions. "I should really get going. See you tonight?"

"Sure. See you tonight." Jason said, watching his friend leave the room. Something was going on. He still wondered how Luke had managed to get Reid to do something fun like bull riding with him. It wasn't like anybody could force Reid to go on a mechanical bull and whenever he had tried to get him to go out with him in the past few years, his friend had refused almost all the time. But besides that he could feel that something had changed between his roommates, but he couldn't quite place it yet. He felt like there was a lot of tension between them and it was almost like there was something his friends weren't telling him. Reid never sugarcoated or lied; he always told it like it was. What could he be keeping from him?


When Reid left the apartment that morning to go to work, he felt so many things at once. He was angry at himself for starting something with Luke in the first place, even though he knew about Jason's feelings for him and that his affair with the blond would likely draw to an end when their roommates was back, but he also felt frustrated because he didn't want this to end. If he hadn’t been a surgeon and couldn't risk hurting his hands, he'd probably punch something right now. But most of all he was confused that this got to him more than he would like to admit. 'What is happening to me?'

After he was done with his rounds at the hospital Reid headed for his office, telling his assistant that he didn't want to be disturbed in his lunch break as long as nobody was on the edge of dying. He let plopped down onto his desk chair and closed his eyes for a moment, feeling as tired as if he had just pulled an 36 hours shift. Thank god he hadn't any major surgeries scheduled for the day because he hadn't been able to concentrate all morning as Luke's words that it had been just sex between them rang in his head over and over again.

When they lay in bed together last night, Reid caught himself thinking that everything might be different with Luke. That they could figure out something together regarding Jason and that just maybe they could be more than just "friends with benefits". Now he felt like an idiot for even thinking about it, because if nobody wanted to have a relationship with him in the past, why should it be any different now? Besides Luke definitely deserved something better than a guy with such a fucked up life who didn't trust anybody but himself most of the time.

"What was I thinking? As if dinners for two and walks in the park are my thing." The auburn haired man muttered under his breath.

Reid pulled his cell phone out the pocket of his scrubs to check if he had any new messages but stopped when he saw the picture of Luke on the mechanical bull that had been his screensaver ever since he took the picture a few weeks ago. Immediately his thoughts began to wander back to this morning when the blond had suddenly brought it up in front of Jason. It hadn't gone unnoticed by him that Luke had been trying to stop him from telling their roommate about their affair, but if the younger man really thought he would do that, than he really didn't know him very well. He even told Luke that he didn't want to hurt Jason either after all.

His finger hovered over the button that would confirm to delete the picture from his phone but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He let out a frustrated groan and tossed in cell phone onto his desk. "I need to get out of here."

After grabbing his pager and his wallet, Reid informed his assistant the he changed his mind and would go out for lunch. He automatically made his way to the coffee house, he and Luke so often spent their lunch breaks together. It only when he was almost there he realised that it probably wasn't the best idea to spent his lunch break at the place today as there was a chance of running into the blond. He decided to go the a diner that was a little further down the road instead.

When Reid passed the coffee house he couldn't help but look inside and stopped death in tracks. He saw Luke sitting on their table with a guy he had never seen before. Careful not to be discovered by the blond, he watched to two men. When he saw the stranger put his hand on Luke's forearm obviously laughing about something the blond had just said, Reid wanted to storm into the coffee house and break the guys hand. He didn't know why he felt like this but he sure as hell didn't like it! He was beginning to get used to feeling strange stirrings when it came to Luke, but this was one was festering and boiling in his stomach and all the way to his fingertips. He didn't quite know when this was going to go away, but he hoped it was soon.

fic: the third roommate, pairing: luke/reid

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