FIC: The Third Roommate (14/?)

Mar 20, 2012 17:31

Title: The Third Roommate
Rating: PG-13
Genres: AU, Romance, Angst
Word Count: ~ 2,150
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Characters are property of ATWT, CBS, P&G etc. No profit is made from this fan creation. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author's Note: Jason is back but he has a bad timing...! Thanks to my beta ditzybea!

"Reid?" Luke whispered into the silence of the night, but unlike him the older man seemed to be sound asleep. For a while the blond simply lied still listening to Reid's steady breathing, before he turned his body towards the other man and watched him sleep.

He liked the way Reid's long eyelashes brushed the skin under his eyes and how he looked so peaceful when he was resting. He looked beautiful. He could barely make it out in the dark but it looked like the older man's lips were still slightly swollen from their heated kissing earlier and Luke had to smile. Reid's curly hair looked kind of messy right now after Luke had buried his hand in it and pulled it earlier when they had sex.

As he watched the older man sleep, Luke had to the resist the urge to touch Reid, to wake him up just to feel him inside of him again. He felt a weird tingling in his stomach at the thought; a feeling that he knew all too well and had wanted to avoid by all means.

The blond let out a sigh as he rolled onto his back. It wasn't supposed to be this way. He cursed himself for not ending this after their first night, knowing the risk that he could get too emotionally involved. He should have known better but somehow one night had become two, two became three and before he knew it he found himself started to fall in love with Reid. There he said it.

In that moment he had to fight back tears, knowing that there was no way Reid felt the same way about him.

Luke slipped out of bed, careful not to wake the older man. After he picked up his clothes from the floor and put his boxer briefs back on, he headed for his own bedroom. He stopped when he reached the door and turned to look at Reid once more, resisting the overwhelming urge to crawl back into the other man's bed and wrap his arms around him.

Crawling into his own bed instead, he curled up into a ball and finally allowed his tears to fall. He felt stupid for crying but he couldn't help it. He knew he needed to talk to Reid first thing in the morning, to end this and not only because Jason would be back tomorrow. There was no delaying it anymore.


When Reid woke up in the morning he knew that he was alone even before he opened his eyes. He pretended to be asleep but actually he had woken up when he heard Luke sneak out of his room in the middle of the night. He had considered following the blond as he wondered why he left in the first place and to make sure he was all right but decided against it, thinking that Luke must have had his reasons.

Reid stretched his body before he got out of bed and made his way into the master bathroom to grab a quick shower. Afterwards he went to look for Luke and found him in the kitchen, where he was sipping at his coffee while he was reading the newspaper.

"Good morning." Reid said, pressing a kiss to Luke's temple.

"Morning." Luke responded. He didn't lift his head to look at the older man, but watched him out of the corner of his eye as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

Reid leaned against the kitchen counter and watched the blond for a moment, noticing that he looked liked he hadn't gotten much sleep last night. "You're up early on your day off."

"Yeah I couldn't sleep anymore so I thought I might as well get up and go pick up the cake for Jason." Luke replied; keeping his eyes focused on the newspaper the whole time.

"And why did you get up in the middle of the night and leave?" Reid asked; he noticed that the blond had not looked at him yet. He tried to squash the sting that caused, but he wasn't entirely successful.

Luke finally lifted his head to look at the older man, surprised that Reid had even noticed him leaving. Come on Luke, tell him. "Um like I said I couldn't sleep and I didn't want to bother you."

Reid slipped onto the bar stool next to Luke. "Did a headache bother you again?"

The blond gave his roommate a small smile. Suddenly it wasn't so easy to focus on what he meant to say with Reid sitting so close to him. His hair was still wet from the shower while he smelled like a mix of shower gel and his own individual scent. "No, I'm fine, just a bit tired."

Reid nodded. He tried to snatch a slice of toast from Luke's plate but the blond playfully pushed his hand away before he could take it.

"Hey, keep your hands off of my breakfast and get your own." Luke teased. The older man caught him off guard when he used the hem of his shirt to pull him closer to him, their lips now almost touching.

"Maybe you are what I want for breakfast." Reid whispered before he captured Luke's lips with his own.

Luke felt himself melt into the kiss; how could he not when Reid was slowly moving his soft lips against his own. He couldn't help but kiss back when he felt Reid's hand on the back of his head as he deepened the kiss. Yet he weakly tried to protest after a while by ineffectually shoving the older man away from him. "Reid..." kiss "Stop..." kiss "Jason will be back soon."

"Jason said he wouldn't be back until noon." Reid said while he was already unbuttoning Luke's pants. "We have plenty of time."

Before Luke even got the chance to protest Reid was already kissing him again. When he felt the other man's hand sneak under his shirt he finally stopped protesting and let himself go. Not wanting to waste any more time he pulled his shirt off and let it fall to the ground then he started to unbutton Reid's shirt; though the other man didn't make it easy since he was nibbling on his ear. He was about half way done with unbuttoning Reid's shirt when they suddenly both stopped dead in tracks as they heard a loud voice call from the hallway: "Honey I'm home!"

"Oh my god." Luke murmured, realizing that Jason was back earlier than planned. He quickly slid from the bar stool and picked his shirt up from the floor while Reid was frenetically buttoning his own shirt. They heard the door shut and footsteps walking deeper into the apartment.

"Are you okay?" Reid whispered but the blond didn't even get the chance to answer because Jason was already entering the room.

"Hey. There you are." Jason said with a big smile on his face.

Luke tried to smile as he walked towards his roommate to meet him halfway and greeted him with a hug. In that moment he felt awful. It felt like Jason had almost caught them cheating on him even though he knew it wasn't true. He didn't even dare to imagine what might have happened if Jason had walked in on them ten minutes later. "What are you doing here already?" The blond asked before he pulled back to look at his friend. "We thought you wouldn’t be here until noon!?"

"I know but I got in on an early flight and here I am." Jason explained. They walked over to the kitchen area where Reid leaned against the kitchen counter and had been watching the scene unfold. "Reid my friend it's so good to see you!"

The older man was taken aback when Jason engaged him in an embrace. "What the hell? You know I don't do hugs Jason!"

"Just tell yourself that Reid. I know you missed me." Jason said and playfully pinched Reid's arm, making Luke chuckle. "Man it's really good to be back and I'm glad to see that you two didn't strangle each other while I was away."

There was an awkward moment of silence between them before Luke nervously cleared his throat, looking everywhere but at Reid. "Come on let's sit down. You need to tell us everything."

"Count me out. I really don't need to be here when you two have your emotional reunion. Besides I need to go to work." Technically, it was more than an hour until his shift at the hospital started but he felt like he should leave, not wanting to make the situation even more awkward. "Don't eat all the cake without me!" Reid said on his way out.

Jason shook his head in disbelief but soon turned his attention back to the blond. "You got me a cake?"

Luke nodded his head. "It's the same kind you got me when I moved it."

"Aww that's so sweet of you." Jason said, engaging the younger man in another quick hug.

"Anytime." Luke replied with a small smile. Somehow he felt himself relax a bit now that Reid was gone. "Would you like a piece of cake now?"

"No thanks. I think it's too early in the day for cake." Jason responded as he sat down on one of the bar stools at the kitchen island.

Luke chuckled. "I guess you're right."

Jason watched as the blond grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and he sipped from it while he vacantly started into space. The dark circles under Luke's eyes hadn't gone unnoticed by him just like the fact that his roommate seemed to avoid looking directly at him. "Are you all right man?"

Luke's head snapped up. "Um yeah, sure. I just a little tired because I didn't sleep very well last night." It wasn't a lie but it wasn't the whole truth either. The truth was that even though he hated himself for started something with Reid, all the while he knew about Jason's feelings for their roommate, but he couldn't bring himself to regret it. As much as he knew he should.

"Ahh I see. You were so excited that I would be back today that you couldn't even sleep anymore." Jason joked.

Luke gave him a half-hearted smile. He wished he could talk to his friend about everything that had happened in the past few weeks, but he wasn't sure if their friendship would survive that. How the hell did he find himself in this situation that both of them had feelings for the same guy anyway?

"So tell me about your LA adventure." Luke said; eager to change the subject. "I'm sure you've got tons of stuff to tell."

Jason felt like there was something else going on but he decided to let it go for now. "Actually I'm pretty beat. I barely slept on the plane and I really want go and lie down right now." He said. "You should get some sleep too and I'll tell you everything you wanna know once both of us are well rested. Maybe Reid will be back then and we all three of us can have that cake together."

"Sure. Sounds like plan." Luke replied. When his roommate got up he placed his hand on Jason's shoulder. "I am really glad that you're home." And that was the truth, because even though he enjoyed the time he spent alone with Reid, he was glad that his friend was back.

After they hugged each other once more, Luke made his way into his bedroom and let out a sigh when he leaned himself against the closed door. He slid down to the ground and covered his eyes with his hands for a moment, before he pulled his legs close to his body.

'What the hell am I supposed to do now?' Luke thought, feeling his eyes fill with tears. He knew that he needed to talk to somebody and if that somebody couldn't be Jason, he would call his best friend. He waited until the sounds of Jason settling in grew quiet and he dug out his cell. So it happened that he called Casey and for the next half an hour he updated him on everything that had happened in his life in the past few weeks. From the arguments to the flirting to the fumbling make out sessions and then the first time they made love. Not to mention their constant coupling the past few weeks. He did spare some of the details to protect Casey. He didn't need to hear Casey scream, "Dude! I can't unhear that!" right now. He let it all out. He confessed it all to him. He cried but somehow it felt good to get everything off his chest and at the end he felt a little bit lighter.

fic: the third roommate, pairing: luke/reid

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