Ack sorry this is late but my internet as been spazzy this past week. CA has been attacked by winter storms and apparently my internet took cover somewhere else. I'm back since the downpour has stopped *crosses fingers* and I brought a rather interesting challenge with me. Or I think it's interesting.
This weeks challenge is to make icons that feature Amanda without actually featuring her. By that I mean crop her where you can't see her eyes or do a profile where you can't see her face. You can even do one of her back. I'm including some icons to give you an idea of what I mean. Since this is an open theme, I'm not providing pictures so you can choose whatever you want. I'm also allowing any picture of Amanda for this challenge,. You don't have to stick to SG1 if you don't want too.
coffee_nebula /
talkofcake /
easilyunwind 1. You may enter up to 5 icons.
2. You may use a cap more than once.
3. Icons must meet the standard LJ requirements of 100x100 and 40kb.
4. Icons must be made specifically for this challenge.
5. Do not post the icons you made for this challenge until the challenge is over and the winners are announced.
6. Submit your icons as a comment to this entry, all comments are screened.
7. The challenge ends on Thursday January 28th