WHO: Kanaya and Eridan
WHAT: Auspisticism at its xenoromantic finest.
WHERE: A-011
WHEN: On the day of the later "Somebody's back..." threads, before "Technical difficulties".
WARNING(S): Annoying aliens, one an ardent and arsenic-tongued admiral, the other astonishinly articulate, and whatever they're addressing their angst as now.
Fussy fangs officially in. )
Mostly, though, it's just the cackling.
Up until he hears the knocking.
FUCK. Okay, getting up and quickly neatening himself and running over to the door to open it and, "Kan, if it wweren't the entirely an' wwholly wwrong quadrant I wwould fuckin' kiss you right noww come in you said it wwas wery important right?" Pretend that sentence had some semblance of grammar.
"Anywways, a course wwe wwant to go home an' so does Rea I'm shore but she said 'cause she died she couldn't and then she tried blamin' all a that on me ewen though obwiously someone else culled her first. I just... she's so... golglÛB!"
"She thought that death would prevent her from going home?" This is much more interesting. "Well, I certainly haven't heard the same explanation twice on how we got here. Or what the consequences of death actually are. But in my opinion any conviction that we can't go home after dying is completely irrational. As long as we're alive in some way and some form of our homeworld exists in paradox space, I can't fathom how there couldn't be some sort of means by which we could return there."
"Yeah that's exactly wwhat she thought though I didn't really catch wwhy but I think it has somethin' to do wwith the 'respawwn' or wwhatewer it's called?" He shoves his glasses back up on his nose as he considers this. "But if wwe're not goin' back to our homewworld, just some form a it, is it really returnin' home?" Not that he wouldn't leap at the chance to return to Alternia -one still the existant homeworld of the Empire- and forget SGRUB ever happened.
"I don't know. It seems impossible to get solid answers on anything here. What I don't comprehend is how we've even arrived at all. Something's missing. All this had to be arranged, somehow." She brings a tense hand up to her face to hold back her frustration. "The entire situation borders on absurd; though on the heels of SGRUB I suppose that's not a word to throw around lightly."
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