"Wait, are you--?!!!!" Miku is highly distressed at the plan she's 99% sure that Prussia is forming. "No! Gokudera's tried with his weapons and we got together tons and tons of fireworks and it's not going to work! If it would, why would they give us a fire in the first place?"
"Fräulein, bitte. One can want to burn things without wanting to escape. We're here for therapy, are we not?" He smiles winningly at the camera, doing his best to ooze charm and confidence and innocence. She need not participate in the plan, but he would feel more secure if she trusted him to try.
Why is Prussia acting so strange? She furrows up her brow in confusion. "Sir, what are you talking about? Therapy?! Since when--" Waaaaaaaait a second. Trying to sound especially nice and bringing up the nonexistent medical treatment. There's only one thing that can mean! "Does this have something to do with--?" But, no, that would make no sense, doing that in the context of a totally obvious escape attempt...
"Does this have something to do with what?" He's genuinely curious as to what she means by that, since he can't think of anything. Aside from maybe how it's a little unlike him to care about therapy and getting better, but he doesn't want to plan where he knows he can be spyed on. "It's obvious. We're in an asylum as the patients. Patients only leave when they're better."
"But--since when have they been treating us or anything?" She's so terribly confused. "They put us into strange places and starve us and -- since when has there been anything like therapy at all?! People get hurt and they're not even fixed up!"
"I never said that their methods were exactly the best..." He rubs his forehead, trying to think of a subtle way to tell her that this is not the place for them to be discussing this. After all, talking about escape plans on an easily eavesdropped upon device. Brilliant. "Look. Party. In the garden. Nothing says you have to burn anything if you don't want to. Coming?"
She's never really made the distinction between the kinds of surveillance that take place on the device and elsewhere: It's become clear to her that they're being toyed with by doctors or scientists or God knows what -- maybe even some kind of god -- who can do anything, and so she assumes that they're watching their every move anyway, so censorship isn't a real concern of hers. That and any escape plans are completely and utterly doomed as she's seen before multiple times. But... "...Okay, I guess I'll come." She stares at the device waiting to see if he has anything else to say before she should disconnect.
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