[Video]|Vier: In the department of things you never want to hear Prussia say.

Jun 22, 2011 06:42

"Hey guys! You have got to check this shit out!"

Does the man in the video feed look slightly maniacal? Well, forgive Prussia, but he has just gone down to the garden and found a huge bonfire and some punch. It doesn't help that it's still somewhat dark in the garden and the way he's facing, the fire is to his side, making one half of his face mostly hidden by shadow. The visible side? Made brilliant and orange-tinted with the firelight, eye all but glowing red.

"There's a huge fucking fire and punch and I'm pretty sure there is alcohol in the punch. This. Is. AWESOME."

He looks like he's about to turn the device off, when he pauses, looking pensive for a moment. "Oh, if you do come down here, bring flammable shit."

Why, no, he is not planning on burning things. Whatever gave you that idea?


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