Entry 06 [video]

Apr 14, 2011 23:09

[Miku is floating upright in the stairwell, with the communicator hovering around her waist in a stubborn fashion. Several little dents are on her upper arms and forehead, analogous to bruises. Despite this she seems pleased with herself in a rather brash sort of way.]

I think I've finally got this working! All ri-- [The stupid thing starts to tilt at a slightly incriminating angle - she rights it with a frown.] All right! Okay, so there's the form and everything so I think that's another test and gosh darn it stop moving! [Camera shakes again.]

So we should probably like meet up here, because that totally worked last time they gave us a form like this! I'm pretty sure I've figured out how it would work on the first floor. As far as I can tell, no matter what you'll be able to get out of your room by stacking together your bed and your desk and stuff to get to the door, and - And from there you fall into the hallway! [That makes her grin because it means she's not the stupid one just because she doesn't have any magic powers or know history, right!] If you're careful about it I'm almost sure you'll be safe because it's like an amusement park ride or something. And then from there you get into the stairwells and you're weightless and it's pretty awesome, actually, so I think we should all try to gather up here! If you don't get hurt along the way it's almost fun...

I'm not sure what'll happen to you on the second floor, I guess I should check on them now... I hope they're not hurt... [And with that she leaves the communicator to hover where it has been, because that's a safe place for it to stay, right? As she stretches up to open the door to the second floor hallway, the device suddenly stays much more obediently in place to show off the collection of dents upon her legs.] Okay, I know I can get this door to open... [Ah, and there we are, she shifts up further just so that you can see--oh. Somebody tell her what she's doing wrong here.]

miku hatsune

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