
Aug 08, 2010 13:43

Before You Apply

1. We are a panfandomgame. Cool as they may be, we do not accept
  • AU versions of characters without basis in canon. (For example Nyotalia, or TYL!Reborn, or Disappearance!Haruhi characters are perfectly fine, but not characters from The Genderbending of Haruhi Suzumiya or Neville Longbottom the Chosen One, or something that you made up yourself).
  • any fictional versions of Jesus, God, Mohammed etc and people that have commited major crimes against humanity (Hitler, Stalin, etc).
  • any real people (You may, however, apply for the fictional representation of a real person, such as Anastasia as portrayed in the 1997 animated film.).
  • doubles (There are two exceptions to this rule. 1) they are from different canons. For example: If there is a child!Okita Souji from Peacemaker Kurogane in the game, you may not apply for his adult version. You may, however, apply for Okita Souji from Kaze Hikaru or Hakuouki. 2) they are from different canon universes. In this case, the mun of the character that is already in the game would have to agree on the double first, please contact the player about it. For example: Code Geass: R2 vs Nightmare of Nunnally, or Nyotalia vs Hetalia.)

2. Each player may have up to three characters. After your first character is accepted, there’s a waiting period of two weeks after your first post before you can apply for a second one. Also, you can not reserve two characters at the same time.

3. The character limit is three. If you are very active and have had your three characters in game for at least one month, you may talk to the mods about a fourth.

4. Only two characters per fandom. They should not be remotely close in canon, or have a canonmate that both of them are very close to, to prevent playercest.

Game Rules

1. Stay in character. And by that, we mean in character as dictated by canon or in-game circumstances. We do understand that after being in a strange environment (and let’s face it, this is pretty darn strange) for a while, characters are probably going to change somewhat. That’s fine, but please don’t use that as an excuse to completely change the character's personality. We can tell the difference.

2. Use proper spelling and grammar. Livejournal and most word processors have a spell check feature, and many also have a grammar check feature. Mistakes are inevitable, but please proofread before you post so you catch as many as possible. It makes posts much easier (and enjoyable) to read... And it gives off the feeling that you actually put some effort into the post.

3. Do not godmod. Godmodding is defined as controlling another character without consent.
Example of godmodding: "He grabbed X, yanked him up by his collar and smashed him into the wall"
Example of doing it right: "He grabbed for X's collar, planning to smash him into the wall"
This way, the other player can decide if they want to have their character to dodge or not. But with that comes another rule: Be realistic. If you dodge everything, it will get boring very soon. Try to apply a good portion of realism.
If this is too tiring, you can also get into contact with the other character's player and ask them for permission for your actions. If you do that, please put a notice that you asked them into your tag subject line.

Magic word 1: youth

Getting permission from other players is always important, not only when RPing a fight. Please also do it before you assume someone is dating, before you spill information about their characters that will affect them, and similar things. Basically, at least informing others before you do something that will have a major impact on their character prevents a lot of drama and wank and thus is strongly encouraged. Good communication = one way to overall happiness.

4. OOC =/= IC Keep out-of-character stuff separate from in-character stuff. If you know something ooc, but your character doesn’t know it, the character should not act on that knowledge. If you don’t get along with a particular player out of game, but your character has no in-game reason to be hostile to their character, the two shouldn’t be hostile. By the same token, do not take a character’s actions (insults, attacks, etc) personally. Just because someone’s character hates your character does not mean they hate you.

5. While we accept all kinds of pairings, we ask you to be considerate when it comes to the subject of minors in a relationship. That applies to age, and the age difference between the involved characters, as well as how far they take it. We do not want to get our comm banned because someone wants to play Shota or Lolikon.

6. Please put all posts, logs and ooc posts that are NC-15 or higher rated under a lj-cut, and label them accordingly. Please also include a short, G-rated description of what happens, so people can decide if they want to read it or not. The same applies to possibly offensive material.

7. Respect the other players. Don’t flame, don’t harass people, don’t cause problems behind their back. You don’t have to like everyone, but be civil to them.

If you have a problem, either with the game itself or with another player, contact a mod so we can get it resolved. (Even if it’s a problem with a mod; there are several of us for a reason.) Do not flail and cause drama about it, that never fixes anything. All complaints will be checked out, and any involved parties will be given the opportunity to explain themselves before action is taken.

If you want to spread rumors, or post about something on RP!secrets, please take a step back and think about it for a day or two. Consider the following: 1. What will it do to the comm's reputation? 2. What will it do to the players that you are secret-ing? Secrets can kill muses and RP-drives. 3. What will it do to you? With more than 95% of the secrets made, someone manages to figure out who the maker is.

8. The mods’ word is law. We’re doing our best to make the game fun for everyone, but to do that, we have to have the authority to make and enforce decisions. We will of course take player input into account, but what we say goes.



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