Linda's records

Aug 08, 2010 15:01

Linda's records [2010]; to come → long gone

Serial number; Title; Classification
Special Containment Procedures:
Item, Object class: if applicable

LA-710-007; Midsummer/Summer Solstice; harmless
Special Containment Procedures: A bonfire in the garden and matching music are provided; flower garlands and wreaths can be obtained at the cafeteria. Alcohol is granted for the duration of the celebration.
Description: Stress relief, raising spirits.
Item, Object class: N/A
Date: June 20-26, 2011

LA-810-003; Go West!; major
Special Containment Procedures: Initial alteration of environment situates subjects in abandoned farmhouse. They are also promoted to α-class or ω-class. There is a nearby town at which an attack will take place.
Description: At its heart a combination of the best elements of LA-810-001, LA-810-002 and LA-910-006. My hopes are very high.
Item, Object class: TSH-800-007 exempt.
Date: May 13-June 13th, 2011
Addendum 1: Integration of TSH-148-001 cautiously being tried again. However, reliability of TSH-148-001-α is questionable.
Addendum 2: Due to various factors, TSH-999-001-ω is the only ω-class subject.
Addendum 3: TSH-801-059, TSH-866-001, TSH-270-001, TSH-270-002, TSH-800-007, TSH-330-006, TSH-800-008 display an insufficient amount of survival skills.
Addendum 4: Reboot of system. See transcript for details.

LA-910-008; monochrome; harmless
Special Containment Procedures: Monochrome vision to be enforced for all patients.
Description: Punishment for failure of LA-910-007.
Item, Object class: All
Date: April 23-May 12, 2011
Addendum: Punishment shows promising results in promoting negative association in subjects' minds. Perhaps it's helpful that this is the first punishment not to be concurrently seasonal.

LA-910-007; antigravity; demanding
Special Containment Procedures: Reference
Description: Test.
Item, Object class: N/A
Date: April 9-22, 2011.
Addendum 1: Success was expected due to its similarity to LA-910-006; however, several factors prevented this, most notably TSH-148-001's lack of involvement and the confinement of TSH-999-001 and TSH-330-003.
Addendum 2: In addition, no patients subject to planned LA-510 type event for lack of injury. Even classes such as 270 and 330 managed to find ways to be subject to some form of damage.

LA-710-006; Lent; demanding
Special Containment Procedures: Truth serum to be introduced in increasing doses during the second half of the event.
Description: Implementation altered due to failure of LA-810-002 (4/7). Initial period involving starvation added.
Item, Object class: TSH-999-001 and TSH-330-003 locked up.
Date: March 9-April 8, 2011.
Addendum 1: TSH-866-001, TSH-801-059, TSH-800-007, and TSH-148-001 the only patients left that were prone to harm. Medical impact mysteriously minimal.
Addendum 2: Classifications finally questioned, primarily in the case of TSH-148-001 and TSH-866-001, though in neither situation was the information sufficient for individual deduction, only used as an impetus for further discussion requiring capitulation on the questioned individual's part. TSH-330-001's nature discussed but ultimately nothing came of it, due to his reclusive attitude leading to complete isolation from the other patients to the point where many believed he had been locked up.
Addendum 3: TSH-148-001 reacts harshly. Absolutely fascinating.

LA-810-002; Scandinavian holiday; major
Special Containment Procedures: Initial alteration of environment situates females on ship and males on empty beach. Transition occurs to desired beach house situation on evening of first day, where ghosts appear on the beach and a storm assails the beach. The next day the ship lands and houses appear on the beach: TSH-270-001, containing TSH-866-001 and TSH-330-005; TSH-330-006, containing TSH-330-002, TSH-330-003, TSH-800-007, and TSH-148-001; TSH-330-004 containing TSH-330-003; and TSH-999-001, containing TSH-801-059 and TSH-330-001. A party is scheduled on the third day to distract the subjects from the distribution of the objects to be found on the fourth.
Description: Subjects to reunite with loving twin and get away from it all for a while.
Item, Object class: TSH-148-001 partially exempt
Date: February 1-March 9, 2011
Addendum 1: Loving reunions actually occur in the case of TSH-270-001 and particularly TSH-330-005, though excess in that regard is limited due to the necessity for their detention for a significant portion of the period. Other familial relations not explored in sufficient detail due to untimely termination of TSH-802-002 and antisocial nature of TSH-330-001 (TSH-330-001-X never observed - distrustful of new environment), while the relationship of TSH-270-001 and TSH-866-001 was mostly denied as a trick. Friction highly common among subjects due to differing expectations, whether it manifested as active abrasiveness (TSH-801-059 and TSH-800-007), mere distance (TSH-866-001), or something else entirely (TSH-330-006 - these results are of high interest to us).
Addendum 2: Storm relatively ineffective in distubring the female subjects, but compensation was provided for the male subjects by TSH-999-001 in the form of traumatic reaction to the ghosts, killing all subjects present and conveniently placing everyone together on the ship when it crashed onto the island.
Addendum 3: Despite the scheduling of the party, one object was found in advance. Must plan better parties.
Addendum 4: Test failed. Only four of the seven objects identified. Scheduled LA-510 type event cancelled. Class of punitive event to be determined.
Addendum 5: Due to absence of communicators, termination notices not posted for TSH-801-080, TSH-801-001, and TSH-802-002. Their absence has yet to be noted by the inmates, likely with the hope that termination is not complete without such a notice.

Special Containment Procedures: N/A
Description: Experimental redistribution of assorted objects.
Item, Object class: TSH-148-001, TSH-330-001, TSH-330-005, TSH-802-002 exempt
Date: January 28, 2011
Addendum 1: Gifts are as follows:
  • TSH-270-001, megaphone
  • TSH-330-002, maid dress
  • TSH-330-003, coat
  • TSH-330-004, sunflower seeds
  • TSH-330-006, flute (common)
  • TSH-801-001, waitress costume
  • TSH-801-059, piano (commom)
  • TSH-801-080, baseball glove
  • TSH-866-001, photographs
  • TSH-999-001, flowers
Addendum 2: These gifts were the very last experience of TSH-801-001 and TSH-801-059 before termination.

LA-910-006; categorization; harmless
Special Containment Procedures: N/A
Description: Patients' newfound skills distributed. Test in categorization and reasoning. Spaces for answers ranked by increasing difficulty. Thirty-six hours.
Item, Object class: All
Date: January 12-26, 2011
Addendum 1: TSH-148-001 introduced to give description explicitly. Results have been much better than previous tests.
Addendum 2: Due to the use of IDs in the form provided, patterns of the IDs were questioned briefly by subjects. Despite this, no serious deductions regarding the nature of the IDs were made.

LA-710-005; Time
Special Containment Procedures: N/A
Description: Subjects provided with tools to celebrate the new year.
Item, Object class: N/A
Date: January 1-10, 2011
Addendum: As expected, TSH-801-059 lead the subjects in an attempt to destroy one of the walls with the fireworks provided.

LA-710-004; Father
Special Containment Procedures: Subjects are to be unable to cease physical contact if they touch under the mistletoe.
Description: Intense itching will ensue in the region of a tattoo on their bodies. This tattoo is numerical, designating pairs within the subjects. "To kiss is the answer."
Item, Object class: All
Date: December 20-31, 2010.
Addendum 1: LA-510 type events were planned for each of the subjects who completed the very simple task assigned. Unfortunately, none did so in the time allotted. Most whom I had hoped would understand thought the numbers were a trick.
Addendum 2: Subjects heard voice. Incident fortunately brief. Will not happen again.

LA-910-004; tetris; demanding
Special Containment Procedures: Colored blocks of varying sizes are to descend from the ceiling and only to disappear when having completed a row.
Description: Subjects will be able to move the blocks by moving their hands. A "pause" option will be available to everyone after the opening levels, in the shape of a red ball of about ten inches perimeter. A pause will last one (1) minute and can be taken once every thirty (30) minutes. Subjects may climb over blocks.
Item, Object class: All
Date: December 11-19, 2010. 
Addendum:  The subjects failed to sufficiently organize their efforts in the game, despite explicitly being told about how games commonly involve cooperation. All made efforts to play the game, but only alone or in pairs. As a result the implementation of LA-710-004 may be altered.

LA-710-003; Lucia
Special Containment Procedures: None
Description: All female subjects are to receive a number of burning candles; it is to be stuck to their heads, method not specified.
Item, Object class: Males excluded.
Date: December 8-16, 2010.
Addendum 1: Extended from original duration of December 8-12. No inmates recognized the significance of the event, however, and were only bothered briefly by the incident. Next year, a larger variety of inmates may be helpful in attaining better results.

LA-710-002; Nicholas
Special Containment Procedures: None
Description: All subjects' footwear will be filled with candy whenever they try to put them on.
Item, Object class: All
Date: December 6, 2010.
Addendum 1: Due to the concurrence of LA-910-003, surprisingly few inmates examined their shoes at all. Next year must make shoes more conspicuous (perhaps wooden?).

LA-910-003; tiny; demanding
Special Containment Procedures: None.
Description: All subjects are to be reduced to approximately one-twelfth of their normal height.
Item, Object class: All
Date: November 18-December 8, 2010.
Addendum 1: The combination of this with LA-710-001 produced glorious results.
Addendum 2: At this point in time, alterations to the library implemented, as inmates have refused to sufficiently utilize the space.

LA-710-001; Martin
Special Containment Procedures: None
Description: Geese, fat and mean-spirited, will be released in the asylum. All other food sources will be restrained from the patients.
Item, Object class: All
Date: November 11-December 10, 2010. 
Addendum 1: Surprising results took place as this was concurrently performed with LA-910-002. As a result the experiment was futher extended to examine what results took place in conjunction with LA-910-003. To this end at that time the geese became more aggressive.

LA-910-002; dark; harmless
Special Containment Procedures: None
Description: All subjects are unable to see.
Item, Object class: All
Date: November 12-13, 2010.
Addendum 1: Many subjects were initially under the impression that there was merely a blackout going on. Ingenious tests to determine the true conditions performed.

LA-810-001; high fantasy; major
Special Containment Procedures: Asylum will appear as if it has been in ruins for years, and there will be openings to the "outside world".
Description: Subjects are to be put into a putative war with an army of orcs. Two subjects to be kidnapped, two to discover a clue to the goal of this experiment: Destroy the ring. If successful, relevant participants will be subject to experiment of type LA-510; otherwise LA-910-002 will be implemented.
Item, Object class: All
Date: October 16-19, 2010.
Addendum 1: In preparation for the experiment, on October 10 powers and weapons returned. The power subduing substances could not be released over such a wide space, and due to the magnificent results of LA-910-001, as well as how it befit the task, weapons were returned to relevant individuals as well.
Addendum 2: Due to the longer duration of this experiment, prior to the proper onset one inmate led an attempt to break down the walls.
Addendum 3: Subjects disappoint, ring not found. Their attacks were uncoordinated and distracted, most involving only one or two people. LA-910-002 may be extended.

LA-910-001; fishes; harmless
Special Containment Procedures: The premises are to be flooded; all currently unlocked doors are to remain unlocked. Nutrition materials are to be limited to fruits and liquids.
Description: All subjects are to be provided with a fish tail and gills. In addition sharks will be present on the third day.
Item, Object class: All
Date: October 1-3, 2010
Addendum 1: Power subduing substances could not be released into the water. Powers returned to subjects. Magnificent results. Lifting power oppression during experiments appears to lead to remarkable results and may be applied again.
Addendum 2: TSH-802-001 was able to significantly reduce the impact of the experiment for a brief time due to her returned powers. Fascinating effects on her interaction with other subjects.
Addendum 3: When this experiment drove the subjects to the third floor, a brief expedition was made towards the chapel, in the hopes of finding a server room. Amusing. During this time, separately from TSH-801-059 and TSH-801-080 , TSH-330-002 and TSH-270-001 notice the inconsistencies between the maps provided to them and the layout of the asylum, attempted to reconcile. When discovered by TSH-801-059, previous experience dismissed as a dream. Fascinating.

LA-610-001; welcome home; not applicable
Special containment procedures: Only doors to neighboring rooms are open until noon of September 24th. Subjects are contained briefly for questioning on the 25th and detained in the gymnasium on the 26th.
Description: New subjects introduced to the asylum with communicators showing surveillance of John Smith; this footage is no longer accessible when doors open.
Item, Object class: All
Date: September 24-26, 2010
Addendum 1: Subjects generally did not interact with neighbors until the remaining doors were opened, and did not begin actively using their communicators until the second day. Subjects almost all started off by seeking out members of the home environment, but soon show a healthy desire to get to know their new peers. Interactions between the few subjects who knew each other previously, however, are of particular interest.
Addendum 2: During this period TSH-801-059 and TSH-801-080 wandered into library before it was closed. Must observe their reactions to alteration in near future. Expanding this experiment may lead to alteration of the maps.



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