A husband-ish review. He's a man of few words.

Jul 30, 2007 10:02

 My husband finished DH.  (It's spoiler-y)

(in a disbelieving voice) "Fred died?  I think that's a load of shit."

(When Remus and Tonks' fate was revealed, I'm assuming) " What the hell is she doing? Killing EVERYONE off?"

"Scorpious?   Pffft."

And he doesn't swear, normally.  I think he even called JKR a couple of names under his breath, too.  He ( Read more... )

dh, hp, computers, auditions

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Comments 16

sue_bridehead July 30 2007, 15:33:25 UTC
Yep, that's a guy for ya. ;) Hope the audition pans out. Sorry to hear your PC is being taken away. :( We'll miss you!


numbaby July 30 2007, 15:34:08 UTC
Your hubby? Awesome.
Your cleavage? Presumably awesome.
Your audition? Probably in the bag.
Your podcasts? So awesome they are worth waiting for.
In conclusion, you are officially made of AWESOME and WIN, and will soon be taken for cloning and further study to see if this miracle can be repeated.


carrie_leigh August 1 2007, 00:56:14 UTC
I adore you.


ladyendymion July 30 2007, 16:27:21 UTC
So sorry to hear about your computer! - and to hear of your difficulties with the auditions.

I tried to re-read DH, and haven't made it past the first hundred pages again - and it has turned me off d/g for a while. At least I'll (hopefully) get some real work completed now.


carrie_leigh August 1 2007, 00:58:40 UTC
I can't finish anything or even feel compelled to work on anything D/G since DH. You're right. Maybe actual work will take precedence!


kristibisci July 30 2007, 17:06:58 UTC
Your husband is a very smart man.

Oh, good luck! I'm sure you were brilliant. *crosses fingers for you*


carrie_leigh August 1 2007, 01:00:06 UTC
To quote Larry Shue, "He's smart about some things."


jandjsalmon July 30 2007, 17:38:27 UTC
I have to agree with everything that numbaby said.

Carrie=Awesome! ;)

Nolan cracks me up. I think I seriously am the only fangirl who likes Scorpius. And yeah... glad to see I'm not the only one using my 'girls' to my advantage! ;)


numbaby July 30 2007, 23:43:56 UTC
I have an ally! I like "Scorpius" as well. Scorpy lovers unite?


jandjsalmon July 31 2007, 04:32:33 UTC
I was thinking 'Cory' but sure! ;)


carrie_leigh August 1 2007, 01:01:44 UTC
Nolan is pretty amusing.

You gotta use what God gave you!

I MUST stop misspelling 'Scorpius.'


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