Hiya, LJ friends. I miss you guys.

Feb 18, 2012 10:37

Livejournal, please forgive me for I have sinned. It's been two weeks since my last entry.

It's been even longer than that since I've posted about anything involving real life.

Let's catch up, shall we?
the minutia of life... )

aaron, theatre, lj, ethan, cooking, f-list, nolan, vacation

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Comments 4

elle_blessing February 18 2012, 18:42:53 UTC
Have missed seeing you around!

Glad to hear you're having a blast in the play with Nolan though, and that the boys are doing awesome, and that the awesome party was extra awesome.

(I'm not much of a party planner either, but my mom was born to be one. Years later and people still tell me Mr. Elle and I's wedding was the most fun one they've ever been to.)

Slow weight loss, while annoying, stays gone longer. (That's what I tell myself to keep going >.>)

I'm ready for spring too. I've only been able to wear my new yellow heels a few times cause the weather sucks too much. LE SIGH.

Come to Seattle!! Just, you know, July/August/September, if you can swing it at that time. It's one of the prettiest places in the country to be at that time of year :D


mugglechump February 19 2012, 04:30:08 UTC
Hi, friend! I'm glad things are good, even if they are busy right now. (Boy, do I know about busy these days.)

Being in a play with your hubby sounds like a blast, and my gosh your kids are self reliant. I'm not convinced Mer could make waffles NOW.

I've been thinking of you lately because of something my mom gave me for my currently hypothetical veggie garden. I call him Faux Frank. He's resin, about two feet tall, and his head bobbles and spins in the wind. Yeah.


jandjsalmon February 19 2012, 06:40:38 UTC

I love reading about how you're doing - and it makes me happy that you and Nolan are able to do the play together and that the boys have been so helpful and awesome.


ticklethepear February 19 2012, 11:15:40 UTC
Looking forward to more updates - always worth waiting for!


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