If I hadn't already used all my words for the day, this is where the Clever Title would go.

Nov 15, 2011 08:02

★I've decided that even though I don't have time to do it myself, I really love National Blog Posting Month, which is, for those of you not all-consumed by the intranets, is this month. I don't do it because I don't enjoy setting myself up for failure. Because honestly, I'm distracted by something shiny every, oh, five seconds or so. I'd never make ( Read more... )

rehearsal, cooking, theatre, nolan, friends, ethan, writing

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Comments 12

slitherhither November 15 2011, 15:52:41 UTC
Or, you could buy ten boxes of Cornbread Stuffing mix and call it good... *whistles innocently*

Breaking up is so hard, but when the object of your lust is bad for you it's the right thing to do. *weeps* I frequently break up with wine and then we get back together for a fling. (Gawd that sounds bad - I'm just talking a glass or two of wine, not full-on alcoholism... I don't think.) I'm weak, but surely you're stronger than I am! You can do it!


carrie_leigh November 15 2011, 22:26:22 UTC
I thought about that.

Who knows how strong I am. The lure of the Snickers bar is strong...


heyurs November 15 2011, 16:47:15 UTC

*giggles... a lot* ♥


carrie_leigh November 15 2011, 22:27:00 UTC
Hiya, Ursula. I should send you an email.


heyurs November 15 2011, 22:49:58 UTC

Please! There is SO much we need to catch up on, and I have needed your prayers about some things that I wasn't sure you knew about.

When you get a chance...if you get a chance...please!


sarea_okelani November 15 2011, 19:28:15 UTC
I know exactly what you mean re: refined sugar. I find that small portions of dessert not only hit the spot, but don't bring me to those terrible lows that you're talking about. So I really only enjoy dessert when I eat out at fancy places, because the portions are small and the use of refined sugar is better controlled.

Re: anonymous comments, I can help you, it's super easy. Two options:

1) Log out of your account, then reply to the comments you want. If you're logged out, the system won't know you're you, so you end up being 'anonymous.'

2) Click reply, then click on "More Options..." right under the comment box (I can see it as I'm typing!). Click on the drop-down next to your username in the "from" field. The first option is "anonymous." If you click that, you'll see that it now says From: Anonymous. Then you'll know it'll post as such.

Hope that helps!


sarea_okelani November 15 2011, 21:38:34 UTC
Also, you won't have to do math! I found this because I had a recipe that I needed to scale down, but it works for scaling up as well. Just input the amounts for the original recipe: Recipe Converter :D


carrie_leigh November 15 2011, 22:28:37 UTC


elle_blessing November 16 2011, 03:44:42 UTC
*snickers* yoos the cute.


elle_blessing November 16 2011, 03:46:51 UTC
I love NaBloPoMo for the same reason :D

I also hate the math. It, in turn, hates me.

You could try making stuff with sugar alternatives, or agave?

I love Eddie Izzard :D


carrie_leigh November 17 2011, 13:55:29 UTC
Avave nectar is on my grocery list. And I've been using honey. So far, so good! I like the idea of not putting poison in my body. :)


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