Shut up, Crime!

Mar 08, 2011 07:27

First of all, despite my training as a serious actress (*snort*) and the fact that I adore costume drama and Hamlet and all things Broadway, I want to go see this movie pretty badly.

image Click to view

Various and sundry informational updates... )

miscellaneous, audition, theatre, nolan, you tube, sewing, video

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Comments 4

jandjsalmon March 8 2011, 14:43:55 UTC
Firstly, let me tell you about the loud raucous chuckle that was had over your location. I know you mean that place in your kitchen where you like to put your laptop on but for a second my brain said, "Really, Carrie? It's not even eight in the morning" lol!

Nextly, YAY for Nolan coming home safely and in one piece! I'm so pleased for you to have him home from saving the world. I bet the boys were happy to have him home too. :)


jandjsalmon March 8 2011, 16:29:41 UTC
And I just managed to watch the movie trailer and it looks HILARIOUS. Thank you for sharing it. I love Ellen Page - and Rainn and Nathan and Kevin Bacon. LOL!


matties_mom March 8 2011, 17:42:51 UTC
Have you seen Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog? Nathan Fillion and Neil Patrick Harris star in it. Oddly wonderful!


13oct March 8 2011, 17:46:22 UTC
Yay for Nolan coming home!! *cheers* AND the audition (break a leg!) and the mag, and dresses!! :))


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