Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. I do a monthy contest, don't I?

Oct 10, 2010 09:49

October's contest. Should anyone be interested ( Read more... )


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Comments 21

leigh_adams October 10 2010, 15:58:32 UTC
Hrm. I wrote a Halloween fic for samhain_smut, but it's an anonymous fest and the reveals won't go up until the first week of October...

Might still show it to you, though. It's blatantly obvious I wrote it, lol.

I <3 Halloween, too! :D


carrie_leigh October 10 2010, 16:55:38 UTC
Please do!


leigh_adams October 10 2010, 17:58:23 UTC
Okay! I'll message you with the link.


abitofayla October 10 2010, 17:30:33 UTC
I'm gonna attempt October's!

I just had no muse last month


goeungurl October 11 2010, 05:20:31 UTC
Oooooo! Genius. I love those and could totally use one at work!! If I fail, I might just have to get one for myself. I can just imagine one with something sweet, hot, and pumpkin flavored...

Not that I'll ever be able to manage more than one, but do you have a limit on how many fics a person is allowed to submit?


carrie_leigh October 11 2010, 13:32:36 UTC
Nope, no limit!


heyurs October 11 2010, 14:40:13 UTC

OK, you know I don't write like you guys, but I do have a little something that is Halloween-y that I did. :D When I get home I will send it. Who knows, maybe you will like it!


leigh_adams October 27 2010, 01:43:04 UTC
Sooo... not to spam, but you said there was no limit to how many times we could enter. If you hate them, though, feel free to disregard. :*

This one's not really Halloween-y, but the song I used is a nice, haunting song- and it's got a werewolf, so a few points for that? Howl.

The other one's my entry for this week's dg_ldws. It's pretty graphic, though, so I might not submit. But I'll post it on Saturday after the results and decide then. :*

<3 Halloween!


filia_umbrae November 4 2010, 02:53:10 UTC
Oh this is just. WOO. Excellent stuff (and one of my favorite songs to boot)!



leigh_adams November 12 2010, 04:14:59 UTC
Meant to reply to this earlier. >.< Fail, Leigh.

Thank you! The first time I heard that song (one of my faves, too!), it was like, "MUST WRITE FIC."



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