August's Winners and September's Contest!

Sep 01, 2010 08:14

Holy cow. It's September.

It's nearly fall, which makes me super happy. I'm sitting out on the back porch enjoying the cool morning weather with the dogs and a cup of coffee, admiring the roses, crepe myrtle and butterfly bush (that Frank is very nearly obscured by - win), and the lawn that my 10 year-old mowed yesterday.

Everyone should have a 10 ( Read more... )

food, cooking, contest, recipe, writing

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Comments 27

abitofayla September 1 2010, 13:39:10 UTC
You know me!

If I were in TX, I'd so drop in and surprise you.


carrie_leigh September 1 2010, 20:32:16 UTC
Let's see. Tiva?

He corrects her (in some idiomatic phrase or pop culture reference), and then she corrects him. It's up to you how. :)


jessicakmalfoy September 1 2010, 15:50:54 UTC
Something Harry Potter!


carrie_leigh September 1 2010, 20:33:34 UTC
How about D/G or Ron/Pansy (or both) with the prompt of 'criminal mastermind.'


jamezilla1 September 1 2010, 15:57:49 UTC
Hi, I am new so to illustrate that point I'll try to sound doofy while I ask... What does this mean; "which pairing you want to write"? I am interested in entering, but don't get what that one line means.


carrie_leigh September 1 2010, 20:38:25 UTC
Hullo there, new friend. *wave*

Well, I dabble a little bit in fan fiction: books, movies, TV shows, etc. And most of the people on my friend's list do, too. So what I meant was for you to tell me what pairing you like to write (for example, Dr. Brennan/Agent Booth for the TV show 'Bones' ) and I'd give you the prompt of an exploding car, or blueberries, or garden gnomes. Or something.

Make sense?


jamezilla1 September 2 2010, 03:44:04 UTC
hmmm, OK I was looking for a poetry contest and was sent here. BUT you're looking more for prose-y kinds of things.
But wait wait I should sit back and think about this a minute, I might get back to you and see what I can come up with. Are you limited on the shows/movies you'll accept? What kind of lengths and limits are there?


carrie_leigh September 2 2010, 11:11:24 UTC
It's true, last month's contest was poetry. No lengths and limits, and the list of ships that i really, really like can be found Here.

But I appreciate writing of all kinds, most especially a well written character, so...?


seegrim September 1 2010, 17:28:42 UTC
Well, wooo!

And man, I wish I were going to be in your neighborhood this evening. :)


carrie_leigh September 1 2010, 20:39:46 UTC
What color bag do you want? Or are you all bagged out? Maybe one for one of your girls?

I wish you were, too.


seegrim September 2 2010, 04:30:43 UTC

Next you'll be asking me if I have too many shoes...

Silly woman.

Becca stole my smaller bag you made me already, and the larger bag is my church bag, so yes. Bag me, please! :D

Colors... Hrm. That's the hard part! Because my favorite's green, but purple's been making me happy lately. But then fall's coming and purple's not a fall color. See? I scare myself. I'm loving black and white, too. And red. GAH.

Save me from myself. I like what you like.


carrie_leigh September 2 2010, 11:12:38 UTC
Awesome. I'll hook you up.

As it were.


leigh_adams September 1 2010, 22:50:25 UTC
Alright, I'll give this another shot- and this time, I'll actually write what I'm prompted. >.<

Harry Potter something, please. :*


carrie_leigh September 2 2010, 11:16:41 UTC
Ron/Pansy - Ron's POV about her less than moral past.


Does that even make sense?


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