Ralph the Gigantor Rabbit that tries to eat twelve year-olds

Feb 21, 2010 10:23

I haven't indulged my crazy side enough lately.

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This rabbit is as big as a three year-old CHILD.

They're taking over the world, one little British girl at a time.

Or maybe this cold medicine is just reeeeeeaaaaly good.

i might be crazy, i hate woodland creatures, bunny conspiracy

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Comments 11

humbuggirl February 21 2010, 16:29:25 UTC
Aw, I would have killed for a rabbit like that when I was growing up.

Saw a picture of it in the paper this week but didn't realise it was still growing though. Also, that kid is strong!


carrie_leigh February 21 2010, 16:35:30 UTC
No joke! Talk about biceps.

I actually did have a rabbit when I was in junior high. (Named Choco: It was greyish brown.) It would flip its hind end in the air when it would go to the bathroom, so if you were in range, you ended up with pee all over you.

Also, it chewed holes in my jeans.

I don't like rabbits, much.


humbuggirl February 21 2010, 16:43:17 UTC
Ew. I can understand why.

I had a couple of rabbits called Mulder and Scully when I was a teenager. Mulder died from a bee sting - he had some kind of massive allergic reaction. Scully turned super aggressive, somehow managed to contract a horrible bacterial infection that killed her, and now I have traumatic flashbacks whenever I'm faced with a real live rabbit.

My hypothetical future kids are never having rabbits. It doesn't matter how much they beg and plead, they're not going to get to see mummy become a quivering wreck.


carrie_leigh February 21 2010, 16:55:02 UTC
Oh, dear God. I'm traumatized from reading your comment. ;)

I had two hamsters that were the same sort of story - Sleepy and Awake were their names. Sleepy, ironically enough, got out and crawled into the dryer, so the next time Mom turned it on there was a ka-thunk, ka-thunk and then wailing from Mom. I think Awake went back to live at the school after that.


mugglechump February 21 2010, 16:39:16 UTC
That is one big bunny. Holy crap.


carrie_leigh February 21 2010, 16:55:48 UTC
I know. And it eats a metric ton. Just for breakfast.


leaper182 February 21 2010, 18:19:12 UTC
I just love the caption they used. Super Bunny, indeed. <3


elle_blessing February 21 2010, 21:09:14 UTC
a) that rabbit is HUGE. It's a little disturbing.

2. HAHAHAHA!! The anchor said 'a dingo ate my baby' at the end there XD ... maybe that's just funny in my house. >.>


mugglechump February 22 2010, 06:33:21 UTC
It is not just funny at your house. One night James, Becky, Manny, and I sat at dinner saying that phrase in different celebrity voices. My favorite? Samuel L. Jackson.

"Dingo ate my muthafuckin' baby, muthafucker!"



So, yeah.


elle_blessing February 23 2010, 00:51:19 UTC

Seriously though, I saw this just as I was going to bed last night, and even rereading this afternoon, I giggled just as hard XD

I'm glad I'm not alone >.> <.


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