Ladies and Gentlemen, Carrie has hit a wall.

Sep 18, 2009 07:53

And by that, I mean that when I awoke this morning, my muscles swore at me with words that would make a merchant seaman blush scarlet. I see Myoflex and ibuprofen in my immediate future ( Read more... )

to do list, rehearsal, nolan, vacation

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Comments 13

cosmo_jenny September 18 2009, 13:15:13 UTC
He turns the big 4-0 on Sunday.
Your hubby and I share our birthday xD


Aw' carrie_leigh September 20 2009, 17:13:39 UTC
Happy birthday, Jenny!


cosmo_jenny September 20 2009, 17:23:33 UTC
Thank you :D


dragonsangel68 September 18 2009, 13:48:52 UTC
Oi! Watch what you're calling old ;P 40 is young(er than me)!

Good luck with that to do list and I do hope your muscles give you a break *pats*


elle_blessing September 18 2009, 14:27:07 UTC
You know, when I was doing athletics as a full time athlete in college.. the body goes in cycles. As the top 2% of the most fit people in the country our bodies would average 15 week cycles. Meaning those last two weeks going into Nationals (if we made it that far), were the worst two weeks of our lives. It's all mental at that point.

The average workout cycle for most people is 6-8 weeks. If you're doing something light, like walking, you can do that all the time, but when you're pushing yourself your body works in cycles.

If you hit your wall... here's a few things. You'll be more prone to injury and getting sick, so be careful when your dancing *nod* Otherwise, just drink lots and lots of water and get as much sleep as you can.

After you're done with the show and all those work outs, you'll be exhausted and really prone to getting sick.

Just sharing my experiences! And good luck! I totally know how you feel *nose crinkle*



seegrim September 18 2009, 14:36:58 UTC
Wow, Carrie, sounds like you really need a weekend off. I hope it's as restful as you need it to be! Also, have a blast!

I teased Paul when he turned 40. I can't believe it's looming on the horizon for me. Ugh.

Good luck with getting everything done today that you need to. :D


raspberry_rave September 18 2009, 14:41:17 UTC
Ouch, pain :\ Break a leg with the production! And I hope your muscles bring it down to not-nice mutters. :)


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