I Love the Sound of Silence in the Morning.

Jun 16, 2009 10:10

My boys have gone with their grandparents to our Cabin in Childress until Thursday, so I'm on my own until then, and I'm sitting here, crying into my coffee because I miss them so much ( Read more... )

aaron, d/g, nolan, drabbles, ethan, cabin, writing

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Comments 9

sue_bridehead June 16 2009, 16:52:36 UTC
The peacefulness sounds wonderful. My husband and daughter are in San Diego for a few days, and it has been a little slice of heaven around here.

I'm sorry to hear the economy is impacting you and yours. :( It is certainly not Nolan's fault. Still, we all want to do right by our employees, especially the good ones. It's very generous of him to try and place them elsewhere.

Yay for you walking 5 miles a day! I've been walking on the treadmill for an hour, almost every day. I throw in a little jogging for a few minutes each time just to get the heartrate up and build up my stamina.

Writing deadlines...yeah, they're usually not my friend either. I think my muse went to San Diego with the family, and when she gets back, I'm gonna throttle her.


heyurs June 16 2009, 16:58:18 UTC

Aw, but that is so wonderful of him to try and find other means for them. Bless him.

Aaaaahh! The quiet is heavenly, isn't it? Enjoy yourself! xD

*sends your muse some twinkling* Hopefully she will pick up on that. ;)


cosmo_jenny June 16 2009, 20:25:00 UTC
At least, he is not just firing them and it shows a great deal of caring that he tried to find them jobs.

If you walk 5 miles, maybe you should look into "real" walking shoes that help cushion your step and the impact on your body.


brendanm720 June 16 2009, 21:34:18 UTC
It's rough letting people go who haven't done anything to deserve it.


tracyj23 June 17 2009, 01:18:51 UTC
~ I'm sitting here, crying into my coffee because I miss them so much. ~

~ No really, I love my kids; but I adore being alone. ~

I feel exactly the same way! Enjoy your childless time and I hope your muse cooperates with you so you meet your deadlines.


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