Three Things:

Feb 12, 2009 08:41

1.  I FINALLY got to the post office yesterday, with my stacks of prizes to be mailed the the Haiku contest winners, runners up, and honorable mentions.  So if you're one of those girls, keep an eye on the mailbox for a manilla envelope.  :)  The only people who haven't given me their address and therefore have gifts sitting in my closet that I, ( Read more... )

rehearsal, haiku, i'm old, contest

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Comments 16

seegrim February 12 2009, 15:40:36 UTC
The toe thing? Hrm...

Did you polka too much?

I know that happens when I go on a polka bender...



carrie_leigh February 12 2009, 15:43:29 UTC
Ha, freaking ha. No, it's been a couple of weeks with the toe. But my butt is sore from Polka-ing. Thank goodness I have 5 days off to recover. :)


seegrim February 12 2009, 15:45:17 UTC
That's really odd.

A pinched nerve, perhaps?

I'm so not touching the sore butt comment. :)


sue_bridehead February 12 2009, 16:54:46 UTC
The little boy who plays my youngest son in the play hugged me last night and asked me if he could have a BB Gun for Christmas.

The appropriate response? "No, you'll shoot your eye out!" ^_^


jandjsalmon February 12 2009, 18:36:16 UTC
LOL! That is exactly what I was thinking too. *wipes tear from laughing* What a great movie! :D


carrie_leigh February 13 2009, 00:22:49 UTC
Maybe THAT's what he was talking about!


tracyj23 February 12 2009, 17:05:03 UTC
I would think a numb toe isn't really a good thing. You have a point about the stroke, but maybe you ought to get it looked at if it doesn't come back to reality soon. Just saying ...

Aw, that kid is cute. Must be fun to work with kids like that. And the stories!

Your icon - is that really a street sign? WOW!


carrie_leigh February 13 2009, 00:22:24 UTC
I can't even remember where I got that icon. I thought it was funny. It looks real, doesn't it?

The odd thing is that the rest of the day, ninjas are perfectly appropriate. :)


tracyj23 February 13 2009, 14:46:19 UTC
Well sure, that makes perfect sense to me. ;)


nbaeker February 12 2009, 20:06:41 UTC
yuck to the toe,

V. cute story with the bb gun. :D


dragonsangel68 February 12 2009, 22:14:31 UTC
*squee* I shall stalk my postman!

It sounds like you've pinched a tiny nerve or the blood vessels that feed that side of your toe. If it doesn't come back online soon, you might want to get it checked out. My hubby has permanent nerve damage in his bad leg and I know the issues we have with keeping the leg healthy (he can gash his leg open, be dripping blood all over my floor, and not feel a thing - not good for healing either).

You've been adopted! *giggles*


carrie_leigh February 13 2009, 00:20:24 UTC
Stalk! It's coming!

I'll see what I can do about the toe. It seems like a very small thing to visit the Dr. About.


dragonsangel68 February 13 2009, 10:41:13 UTC
He'll be a nervous wreck by the time I'm done *eg*

It might seem like a small thing, but keep in mind that numbness could involve the nerves or the circulatory system and they're not really 'small' things ;)


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