Jan 10, 2009 07:57


No, really. I dig on Haikus. I love 'em. For some inexplicable reason, they make me happy.

So. I present to you... Carrie's Haiku Challenge CONTEST!

Here's what I've decided, just now, to do. Because I'm all impulsive and stuff.

You write a haiku.  (You can click the link if you don't know how - but I'm totally finding your ( Read more... )

haiku, contest, silliness

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Comments 37

mynuet January 10 2009, 14:26:28 UTC
I'll come up with an actual haiku, too, since I have fun writing them, but I thought you'd like this toy:


carrie_leigh January 10 2009, 14:30:46 UTC

Oh, my gosh. TOO, TOO, FUN.


mynuet January 10 2009, 14:32:59 UTC
Isn't it fun? The next one it came up with for me was:

Haiku2 for mynuet

me give me links and
tell me who to credit i
will it was a good

I kinda like it, in an ee cummings, William Carlos Williams kinda way.


Some Haiku For You peacefulwmn9 January 10 2009, 14:33:32 UTC

an angel hovers
somewhere between dusk and dawn
shes watching lovers


night owl morning lark
growl again at each other
junk-yard dogs, not birds


purple onions
served with dandelion wine
stomach ache tonight


on a snowy bluff
howling at the pale new moon
the wolves are in heat


crack of a gunshot
wounds the night wakes the baby
shhhh lake ice breaking

Karen Chaffee 2009


cosmo_jenny January 10 2009, 14:38:43 UTC
I suck at poetry and only remember limericks ;)


carrie_leigh January 10 2009, 14:42:04 UTC
Well, maybe the limerick contest will be next. *laughs*


airmidm January 10 2009, 15:31:02 UTC
Oh I might actually do well at the limericks contest! ;)


dragonsangel68 January 10 2009, 15:50:00 UTC
I don't think I've written one of these since grade 5!

He waits nervously
For the woman in white silk
The unknown ahead


Valentine's day jessicakmalfoy January 10 2009, 16:08:59 UTC
Chocolates make me fat

Flowers they will wilt and die

Scary lingerie.

Did I spell that right???


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