Do you want to play? You know you do.

Jun 18, 2008 08:09

"Sometimes it's difficult to be alive, you know? Just to try to function.  There are all these people to deal with.  I used to find it difficult to leave the house because of them.  People, I mean."   - Laughing Wild, by Christopher Durang

That line's been running through my head on a loop for the last week. It was from a monologue cutting I did for ( Read more... )

free advice, guilt sucks, angst, grace, 100+ things that make me happy, gifts, mini happy list, drama, life is fabulous, see! i'm not a total bitch, good vs. nice

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Comments 16

elvishly June 18 2008, 15:12:33 UTC
I can remember when my siblings and I used to play with the Lego. One of the last things we built together was a Lego Star Wars ship. Amazing. :| Plus it really improves your motor skills (IDK what it's called) so ... good stuff. ;)

Hm. As for the challenge, I think I'll do it, too. I love sending mail. :D


carrie_leigh June 18 2008, 15:14:33 UTC
Yay! Jenny! Mail to the UK. That'll be a first for me. :)

They're actually playing on the XBox. A lego video game that's just beyond cute. :)


elvishly June 18 2008, 15:25:47 UTC
Oh right!

My brother has that game, but I can never use the controller. :P I have it on my phone though. It's very hard.


mynuet June 18 2008, 15:14:48 UTC
Because I choose to be silent does not, in fact, make me weak. I think to refrain from speaking is one of the hardest things in the world to do.

I hear that. I don't live up to it, but I totally agree.


carrie_leigh June 18 2008, 15:21:05 UTC
Well, thanks.

And in honor of the day, I'll send you a little something without you having to post the meme. :D


rainpuddle13 June 18 2008, 15:21:51 UTC
Squee! Me!

I think you have my address...


carrie_leigh June 18 2008, 15:32:41 UTC
I do! Yay, Pud!


lyndsiefenele June 18 2008, 15:30:17 UTC
Ooh, I love Lego Star Wars. I have both for my PS2. Maybe Indiana Jones is showing up because they are playing the new Lego Indiana Jones? It just came out, and I want it! (But who knows, I haven't finished all the levels, so Indiana Jones could show up in one of the Star Wars ones.)


carrie_leigh June 18 2008, 15:34:03 UTC
He totally does! And he has a whip!

Do you want to play the meme game?


lyndsiefenele June 18 2008, 15:40:12 UTC
I'm good, you sent me something last time, so it can be someone else's turn. : )


caramelsilver June 18 2008, 15:36:54 UTC
Me! What a cool challenge I'll totally do it. And that quote is really good- story of my life sometimes.


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