Perhaps a proper revolutionary should be poor? Because a reavolution should always happen for the sake of freedom and right, not for the sake of money... (Oops, haven't thought of it yet. ^_^;; Let's look for another trait... er... accurate? ::eyes the mountains of books, DVDs and magazines on her table::)
You do? ::blush:: *^_^* I promised a photo to a relative, and my printer didn't want toprint colored pics... but astonishingly, the black and white version was looking better than the original one, so I scanned the print again, hehe...
Comments 4
I like your new picture. :D
You do? ::blush:: *^_^* I promised a photo to a relative, and my printer didn't want toprint colored pics... but astonishingly, the black and white version was looking better than the original one, so I scanned the print again, hehe...
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