you know who you are and what a fucking peice of shit you are as well. i hope you burn in hell you lying sack of shit. and i have never said that to anybody. I have never said, with pure honesty, that i hate anybody. but i hate you.
p.s. chances of this being about somebody who is going to read this is minimal. just to clear that up.
So, during spring break I took a rather interesting trip to Flagstaff with MD and Glenda. It was good, it was bad, it could have gotten ugly. But ultimatly things are what you make then out to be and our second day up there was awesome
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So, yesterday was Jess' 21st birthday, and I am the one waking up going, "Oh, crap! Is it absolutely nessisary for me to go to work today?," and I wasn't even the one that threw up
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So, I am in a rather curious state of being and I think I like it. Motzart in the Park anyone? I need a buddy willing to be musically enlightened along with me
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