Fic: the night will have no stars (CSI, Nick/Greg,R)

Nov 04, 2011 23:24

Title: the night will have no stars
Fandom: CSI
Pairing: Nick/Greg
Rating: R
Word count: 3036
Summary: Weddings make everyone nostalgic. Part of the Paris series.
A/N: For jengeorge, because I promised approximately one million years ago to write her 'hot old people sex'. (This is...sort of that. It's more sentimental than hot, I'm afraid. I blame the ( Read more... )

fic: csi, csi, series: paris, fic

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Comments 27

cinderlily November 5 2011, 03:58:02 UTC
“I’ll always come after you, G.”

Kill me why don't you?

Absolutely sweet and perfect. I love that Ben got all "oh my gosh, really?" about his parents making out before his wedding. ♥

Though now I have to go back and reread all of Paris. (Such a hardship, I tell you.)


ruggerdavey November 5 2011, 04:09:51 UTC
Though now I have to go back and reread all of Paris. (Such a hardship, I tell you.)

Ha. I know, right?


carolinecrane November 5 2011, 04:10:17 UTC
So much cheesiness! I can't help myself when it comes to these two, let's be honest. But they deserve a little cheesiness, I think. Canon certainly doesn't do them any favors.

Every time I revisit the Paris series I think to myself, "Why isn't there more of this?" A lot more exists in my head.


ruggerdavey November 5 2011, 04:09:09 UTC
*melts* So, so lovely.


wirrrn November 5 2011, 04:52:34 UTC

Awww. Sweet and cute and romantic and hot, and I usually don't like fics with offspring involved ;)


carolinecrane November 5 2011, 19:10:22 UTC
Well this offspring is 26, so it's not exactly kid fic. Thanks.


wirrrn November 6 2011, 05:45:15 UTC



chyldofeternity November 5 2011, 04:52:34 UTC
Guh. I have missed these two like a limb that I never knew I had and now you have given me phantom pains.

Which is to say I loved it and I miss the CSI fics. *goes to peruse through your old fics for nostalgia's sake*


carolinecrane November 5 2011, 19:11:19 UTC
I miss them sometimes too, although I often feel I have written everything there is to write about them. Still, it's nice to revisit an old universe now and the. Thanks :)


rabidfan November 5 2011, 04:53:00 UTC
“I love you,” he murmured near Greg’s ear, and he’d said it a thousand times - a million - over the years, but that didn’t make it any less true. “I’ll always come after you, G.”

I...have no words. No words would convey how I feel at revisiting these old friends. In seeing their happiness is still intact.

“I can live with that,” Nick said, and he meant it.

Me, too, Nick. Me too.


carolinecrane November 5 2011, 19:27:00 UTC
I still love this universe best of all. You know how I feel about Nick and Greg getting their happy ending.


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