this is not a fic post either

Mar 18, 2011 16:39

+ Yesterday, instead of working on Trains, I started my Finn/Will AU Big Bang*. 3500 words in and I'm barely past the set-up**. I'm sure this comes as a surprise to no one at all.

+ Unrelated to the above, this is currently my theme song:

image Click to view

+ Speaking of Trains, it is on a brief hiatus while I avoid Kurt and Puck deal with some RL obligations ( Read more... )

series: trains, series: diwwcf, cory monteith has a ridiculous face, boring rl stuff

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Comments 13

ruggerdavey March 18 2011, 21:24:32 UTC
*hugs tight* Love you. I know how it is, so I hope your mood turns soon. Mine has, so here's hoping yours is next. Let me know if you need anything.


carolinecrane March 19 2011, 15:51:39 UTC
Thanks. I'm working on shaking it off! The weather is helping.

Speaking of which, this is kind of tragic, considering I don't really have a life, but the only weekend I have free in April is the 15th-17th. Is that a possibility for you? If so, I'm up for a hiking weekend. I might *die*, considering how out of shape I've gotten, but that's beside the point.


ruggerdavey March 19 2011, 15:58:10 UTC
The weather is helping.

OMG, it TOTALLY is. Even if the weather has also turned my classroom into a sauna. (Christ on a cracker, school, turn on the fucking AC. Other people can put on a freaking sweater if their rooms get too cold.)

I can work the 15th through 17th. I can head down to you after school on the 15th, and then I just have to be back on the night of the 17th. Testing starts the 18th, so I won't need to do much in the way of planning that weekend.

And you can't be any more out of shape than me, so I think we'll be okay. :)


carolinecrane March 19 2011, 16:00:33 UTC
Great! I will put you on my overcrowded calendar right now so I don't accidentally double book myself.

I'll pick out a hike that's not straight uphill this time so we don't die. Maybe the Smokies; we haven't been there in awhile, and then we can stop at some of those kitschy country stores on the way back or something.


rabidfan March 18 2011, 21:37:17 UTC
Socializing will be fun. As much as I love your fic I do know that getting out more would be good for you.

I hope you are feeling more yourself again soon. I'll keep you in my thoughts and send good wishes your way!

This is the only Finn picture I have. I am at least reasonably sure it's Finn!


carolinecrane March 19 2011, 15:53:27 UTC
That is Finn, yes. Though you also have that one of him and Kurt that kind of freaks me out.

Last night was fun. I am going out again this afternoon, so I will be thoroughly socialized by the end of the day.


rabidfan March 19 2011, 16:30:18 UTC
This one? Why does it freak you out?

I'm delighted that you had a good time. Here's hoping today is just as much fun!

"I will be thoroughly socialized by the end of the day."

Hee! You make yourself sound like a well-trained pet!


wonderlandchick March 18 2011, 21:53:49 UTC
I'm sorry you feel bad. That sucks. Have a good time socializing. Maybe it's just what you need to recharge. And I'm planning on e-mailing you back but I suck at life and making decisions.


carolinecrane March 19 2011, 15:54:34 UTC
No worries; I am the last person to throw stones about timely e-mails, after all :) No pressure from my end re: your trip, either. It's your vacation, whatever you want to do is fine with me.


jengeorge March 18 2011, 22:41:49 UTC
It's good to get out there, it just doesn't always feel like it will be until you actually do it. But you should wear fabulous shoes. They make you feel good and if nothing else are usually a good conversation starter! (I feel like Elle Woods!)

Seriously, it is impossible to write an AU decently and make it 15,000 words. That's just not long enough to set the stage and fully develop an alternate universe. If you're going to do it right, it's going to be loooong.

Well, now I feel MUCH better, so thanks for that! No pressure or anything...

Cory face just for you...


carolinecrane March 19 2011, 15:58:46 UTC
There's nothing wrong with a little Elle Woods pep talk now and then :) I was wearing really cute shoes yesterday, but they started to pinch my toes around lunch time while I was running errands and I had to wear them until pretty late last night.

By the time I got to book club I just took them off, which was sort of rude of me, but if anyone noticed I suppose they didn't mind much. They were busy talking about the book I didn't finish reading, so probably they were too distracted to notice!

Sorry about the added AU stress. Sometimes I don't think before I post. I'm there for you! It'll be fine! But yeah, the football AU is going to be longer than 15,000 words. No surprise, but I hope it's not going to be crazy long like Trains or Home Is, because I still have another whole Big Bang to write after that one.

Oh Cory. You make everything better.


(The comment has been removed)

carolinecrane March 19 2011, 16:02:44 UTC
♥ Cory ♥

His ridiculous face helps quite a bit, thank you!

It *is* your fic that I started! I'm kind of excited about it, actually. I think it's going to be kind of long, but that's okay. It's nice to get back to a universe where they're already solid for a little while :)


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