Title: (looking for) A new technique Fandom: Bones Pairing: Wendell/Hodgins Rating: NC17 Summary: Hodgins is a scientist, so he understands the value of experimentation.
Oh, Liz, I just want Jack to have someone who loves him as much as he deserves to be loved. That's how all my pairings start, I suppose, but really, Wendell deserves that too, and I want it for both of them. I am *thisclose* to taking back what I said about being okay with them breaking up if Zack came back.
Okay, no, I am already way past that point. I want them to get married and raise little Hodgins heirs (because Hodgins needs an heir, obv) and build a hockey rink in the freaking back yard and just be in love.
I think all this weird weather is spiking my sap-o-meter or something. Don't mind me.
Dude, I haven't watched this show since season 1, so I only know Wendell from Caroline's icon, and I still am all melty and awwww'ing and giddy with the adorableness.
Okay, no, I am already way past that point. I want them to get married and raise little Hodgins heirs (because Hodgins needs an heir, obv) and build a hockey rink in the freaking back yard and just be in love.
I think all this weird weather is spiking my sap-o-meter or something. Don't mind me.
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