comment fic round-up

Feb 01, 2009 09:34

I am posting this purely for my own convenience, so ignore at will. This is just links to the comment fics I wrote this week, so I can find them more easily when I need to. There's one left unfulfilled (three guesses which fandom), but it's taking on a life of its own at this point, so I know it's going to be way too big for a comment fic. ( Read more... )

series: laying foundations, fic: criminal minds, series: aftermath, ficlets, fic, fic: brotherhood ii, fic: sk, fic: ghost ship, requests, fic: csi, fic: my bodyguard, series: deadliest au, fic: mighty ducks, fic: bones

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Re: You rock! carolinecrane February 2 2009, 19:00:03 UTC
Oh, CSI. It sucks you in with the nostalgia, and then rips your heart back out again. You're better off, trust me.

Bones is such a goofy show, but it grows on you. I really hated Boreanz until I started watching it. Not sure Emily Deschanel will grow on you, considering her character, but I do love Hodgins and I just want him to find love. His character's gotten the shaft way too often.

PS: I forgot to say that I, too, am disappointed in DeCoteau's version of selling out. He can't even do that in style! I haven't seen The Raven, but I know I'm going to be just as disappointed as I have been with all his other stuff lately. Though it's nice to know they're airing the classics; I would like to believe it means people will stop bugging me to upload his full movies on Youtube, but it probably won't.


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