Fic: The Golden Rule (Criminal Minds, Reid/Morgan, PG)

Dec 17, 2008 10:40

Title: The Golden Rule
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Morgan/Reid
Rating: PG
Summary: Derek explores the concept of sense memory. Part four of the Laying Foundations series.

There are rules about this sort of thing. )

series: laying foundations, fic: criminal minds, criminal minds, fic

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Comments 40

goddessdster December 17 2008, 16:06:04 UTC
What a great way to start my day. Thank you.

I love all the attention to detail, the way Morgan has to think about it all and does. It's been so long since I've been in a position to have to act normal (and remember what normal is in those circumstances), reading this brought me back to those fluttery anxiety-ridden days.

I really need a Morgan/Reid icon if I'm going to stick with this pairing.


carolinecrane December 17 2008, 18:09:13 UTC
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed. Apparently I am sticking with the pairing, so you will get only encouragement from me on that score.


kbfan December 17 2008, 16:14:24 UTC
Love it. Great insight into Morgan's thoughts about this new relationship. It's wonderful and I can't wait for more.


carolinecrane December 17 2008, 18:07:29 UTC
Thanks :)


(The comment has been removed)

carolinecrane December 17 2008, 18:07:09 UTC
Thanks :)


cinderlily December 17 2008, 17:49:00 UTC
Oh Morgan. You are making me fall in love with this character, Caroline and that is totally inconveniant. ;) I mean... he is so sweet and attentive and he is so wrapped up in Spencer which is amazing and so in character it kind of aches. I want to hold his hand and tell him it will all be okay! So sweet.


carolinecrane December 17 2008, 18:06:51 UTC
Morgan is very lovable! I guess it's pretty obvious that I love him, though :)


dancinbutterfly December 17 2008, 18:02:36 UTC
Gah, thank you for this. Its so lovely. THEY are so lovely. I know they have to keep it a secret but I am DYING to see how Garcia reacts(I personally think she's a slasher...she loves her Derek so she'd be thrilled to see him happy. :D) I read the stuck-in-the-snow fic and I tried to review but it didnt work so I'll do it here. You write crazygood Derek voice. I would, however, like to point something out - you've never written Derek making the first move. In both stories, Spencer kisses first. I kinda would like to see a scenario where Derek makes the first kiss.


carolinecrane December 17 2008, 18:05:41 UTC
I know! Spencer is always getting away from me and, like, *launching* himself at Derek! Though I can hardly blame him, I suppose. I'd launch myself at Derek too if I were Spencer. In my defense, I have not written them much yet, so I have lots of exploring left to do. I have an AU in mind that will let me explore interesting new angles, I think.


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