still not talking about politics

Sep 12, 2008 08:57

Oh, Jesus H. She actually uttered the words "...and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska." Does she hear herself when she's talking? Here's the link if you want to see the interview: Sarah Palin should have paid more attention during the cram session with Bush's old tutors Wednesday night.And that's all I'm going to say about ( Read more... )


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Comments 12

goddessdster September 12 2008, 13:51:03 UTC
I have personally found that I read books about writing in order to avoid writing. And, after years of avoiding writing, I have yet to find one that says that one thing that is original and makes me avoid writing. But I did like Bird by Bird a lot. ;D


writingpathways September 12 2008, 16:30:01 UTC
Sarah Palin, ick. All I can really say about her. She truly gives me a similiar icky as Bush himself. And that's just from listening to her say half sentences, not even a full on look at her. I fear it'd be too horrorifying.

I love Bird by Bird by Anne Lamont. Haven't read in years though it is on my shelf (which I just typed as on myself, hee).

I think whatever keeps you writing, even if it's little ficlets at work is a good thing. It is also about the practice of the craft.


thewolfmistress September 12 2008, 18:07:06 UTC
One of the lovely ladies on my f'list refer to Sarah Palin as Caribou Barbie. I'm inclined to agree. =D


carolinecrane September 16 2008, 20:10:16 UTC
That is definitely the best of her internet nicknames so far. She gets a little scarier every day, sad to say.


chicklet_girl September 12 2008, 20:47:43 UTC
So the option I am left with is the one Nancy Peacock chose: Get up even earlier and write before work. I haven't done it yet, but I've thought a lot about it. I know it's going to be painful.

Yep, that's the basis for The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron: get up early (and do free-writing while sitting in bed). But if that's the only time you can carve out, then I guess you'll have to do it. *g*


carolinecrane September 16 2008, 20:10:50 UTC
Ugh. I am already getting up at 6:00, so it's going to be painful. I've failed so far, but I'm working on it.


egretplume September 13 2008, 07:55:12 UTC
I already have so few hours to myself in a day, though, in spite of the fact that I live alone,
This is so true for me too! Arrggh. Seems unfair.


carolinecrane September 16 2008, 20:11:17 UTC
It *is* unfair. It also doesn't make any sense. I mean, it's not like I have a life, you know?


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