Ficlets: Brotherhood II, Suicide Kings, Sky High (PG)

Apr 29, 2006 17:07

You know what I just realized as I was fast-forwarding through Brotherhood II so I could look at Harlan's car? Marcus is hanging out in the parking lot smoking before school so he can catch a glimpse of Harlan. I can't believe that detail is just dawning on me now. Even in my icon he is looking around furtively for any sign of Harlan! How ( Read more... )

series: aftermath, ficlets, fic: brotherhood ii, fic: sk, sky high, brotherhood, requests, fic: sky high, suicide kings

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Comments 16

minotaurs April 29 2006, 21:41:56 UTC
I didn't request the Warren/Will (at least, I don't think I did), but oh, boy am I glad somebody did. That's a great glimpse at them.


carolinecrane April 30 2006, 01:33:01 UTC
You didn't request it, no. I'm glad you enjoyed it, however. Though now Will is in my head insisting that there's much more to the story and I really should write it all in the interest of full disclosure, and pretty soon I'm going to have to have Brett ambush him and stuff a sock in his mouth or something just to shut him up.


minotaurs April 30 2006, 18:33:02 UTC
I love your brain. It's such an interesting place.


writingpathways April 29 2006, 22:00:41 UTC
I love, adore and will have the babies of whoever requested Brett/Avery and Marcus/Harlan. Sigh, those were just, sigh. I didn't read Sky High, mostly so I don't have run out and buy the movie next time I have money in my hands ;-). You need to write Meta on Sky High, so I can use that as canon for your Sky High Fic ;-), like I will continue to do with Motorcrossed, and yeah I know it's cheating but I'm lazy!

Brett and Avery, were just well, sigh, Brett and Avery. And Avery blushing and them kissing is always a great way to spend some of the day :-). And Harlan/Marcus in the rain and Harlan saying "so, we'll be late." It was just, it hit some button, so SQUEE.

I wish I knew what to say to make the reading less dull. I'm doing laundry, that's dull too but not as time consuming dull. So, nope you probably still feel alone.

Sorry. Love to you.


carolinecrane April 30 2006, 01:31:56 UTC
I think you should get Luis to rent Sky High so you guys can see it. It's super cute and I think you'd both appreciate it on its own merits. But I can come up with a summary/meta sometime next week. I think. We'll see how this school project goes.

Anyway, re the rest: thank you. I was worried the ending of the Brett/Avery one was too abrupt, but it was getting long and if I kept going...yeah. Plus, I didn't feel like writing porn. Then again, the Harlan/Marcus one felt kind of short, so I'm relieved to hear they both worked for you.


*thud* cinderlily April 29 2006, 23:39:03 UTC
You hear that? That was me, you know? Dying. I just rewatched Sky High last week and oh my. I love your Warren, and that he is completley fleshed out (where he is a bit not fleshed in the movie). So very beautiful. <3


Re: *thud* carolinecrane April 30 2006, 01:28:19 UTC
Thanks, I'm very relieved to hear that I'm doing okay with Warren. New fandom, you know, and he's a little tricky to write. But he's fun, so yeah.


vic_ramsey April 30 2006, 00:21:41 UTC
I'm so glad I requested Warren/Will. That was so good and painful.


carolinecrane April 30 2006, 01:27:30 UTC
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I think there are two more Will/Warren requests outstanding. Who knew they'd be so popular.


duckduck April 30 2006, 04:48:46 UTC
Oh, thank you so much. This is fabulous; reminiscent of your Mixed Up with the mixer bit, and that's always been one of my favorites.

I love it. I really, really love it. And you, I love you too. I miss you terribly; we should really try to talk sometime soon.


carolinecrane April 30 2006, 15:20:01 UTC
Yes, I was repeating the Mixed Up theme because I use Portsmouth Abbey boys' boarding school as my model for the SK boarding school, and I used to go to painful mixers there as a high school girl. But I think I've told that story at least a million times before : ) Anyway, it seemed like a reasonable excuse to get them alone in the vicinity of a pool. I'm glad you liked it. I was worried the fade to black was a little abrupt, but it was getting kind of long for a ficlet.


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