Fic: All the Way To Paris 26/29 (CSI, Nick/Greg, NC17)

Jan 17, 2004 22:39

Nick said I couldn't write fluff until I finished this. He also scared Speed away, which I didn't actually think was possible, but I have a feeling it has something to do with that time I let Speed sleep with Greg ( Read more... )

fic: csi, csi, series: paris, fic

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carolinecrane January 17 2004, 22:03:04 UTC
Funnily enough, I worry more about the supporting characters sounding in character than I do about the characters I write all the time, so I'm very glad to hear Catherine sounded like herself. I just try to hear them saying whatever it is I'm writing in my head as I type it, that way I can try to get the words in the best order for the character in question.

I'm glad you feel better now. I was starting to feel kind of bad about leaving it where I did, although I really had to. And since there are only two parts plus an epilogue left, maybe I can get this thing done before I have to go back to work. I guess it depends on whether or not Speed shows up again. I had started another Miami fic last night, but then Nick and Greg showed up again. And I still owe you that fluff.

Babbling. That means I should probably go to bed.


mindyfromohio January 18 2004, 11:00:41 UTC
This time I at the chocolate first. It helped, and I'm glad Catherine did too.

Can't wait to find out what Nick comes up with.


carolinecrane January 18 2004, 14:38:32 UTC
Good to know the chocolate helped. I guess I should have sent out care packages or something. ::makes a note for the next time I write angst fic::


stareyednight January 18 2004, 13:21:33 UTC
Well, I feel a little better now. I read this straight after part 25 and it quelled the urge for chocolate I can't afford. Love Clueless!Nicky and his straight-forward emotions and Catherine was spot on. She shed some light on a tiny bit of hope left and I hope Nick takes her advice, for all of us.


carolinecrane January 18 2004, 14:37:48 UTC
There should be some kind of national chocolate bank. There's no reason anyone should have to go out just because they're broke. That's just not right.


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