Permissions post

Mar 22, 1999 16:20

.Contact Information.

[E-Mail] inzivil at gmail dot com
[Instant Messengers] inzivil on AIM

That's about all :B
[Plurk] Here. Please let me know who you are first if you're going to add me.
[Other] PMing this account or hitting up this random LJ post.
[Preferred] AIM since I'm on it most of the time and plurk since it's less awkward to use. Anything is fine, though.


[Backtagging] I LOVE BACKTAGGING. I do (a lot) (really) (so much of it) it myself.

[Threadhopping] Ask to be safe, please. I may have plans for a reply already.

[Plotting] I LOVE PLOTTING. Even if I have a hard time with talking to people or prodding at them myself, HIT ME UP. If I'm not on AIM and somehow you don't like PMing, my contact post is here. I'll post a link to a specific plotting thread whenever it comes up again. :U

[Offensive subjects] This will still be repetitiiiive since I play more than one character. oAo

► I don't play smut. If it comes up in a relationship I'm willing to handwave it, though. Although since she's Catholic she'd react with "well...I don't know..." about it.
► Fighting? Yes. Graphically detailed bloody violence? No. This is one of the few things that makes me legitimately uncomfortable but also I'd feel bad's Cierra.
► Also this isn't offensive but more like a warning. I'm really slow with prose so for the sake of things actually getting finished, I avoid prose logging.


[What's okay to mention around him/her] Anything! Though she'll get indignant if people talk about petty violence, everything's fine.

[Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character? Special physical features, special abilities, etc] I think a lot of this is covered in the trivia section in her wiki, BUT.

► Cierra's a ditz and a klutz. That is fond of fire magic and experimenting with potions. Beware.
► Cierra is a pacifist, even if she's formally given up on pacifism for the sake of following Dumbledore's orders in the war and protecting the students she's still non-violent.
► Cierra is sterile via an accident with experimentation on herself. She's only mentioned this to Ein, though, but it explains why she adopts children randomly. Sort of.
► A few years ago in December, she accidentally killed a Death Eater during an attack on Hogsmeade. This was likely mentioned in the papers as a "heroic act" or something but she doesn't consider it very heroic.
► She is also a devout Catholic and though she believes others can find happiness their own way, she won't shake on her beliefs.
► Cierra's full name is Cierra Rowan. Since the Rowans are militant blood purists, she...doesn't talk about them. At all. I have mentioned this. Repeatedly. Oh dear.
► But she also has cousins (her decidedly not militant and actually her adoptive father as well uncle's children) going to school. If you meet a redhead with the last name Rowan, they're probably related to Cierra. :3
► Cierra is currently in a relationship with wingless_blade, the Flying teacher. They're not all PDA or anything but it's still apparent there's something there.

[Can I hack that strike or otherwise find out information they'd prefer to keep hidden?] Cierra doesn't make private posts and doesn't often employ strikes, so yes. Also she rarely keeps things about herself hidden and will flippantly mention it if a similar subject comes up.

DESPITE THAT, Cierra will actually actively protect herself against any sort of mind-reading abilities, so ask me first.

[Can I troll/mindscrew/mess with in general?]

Bullying/trolling/messing with ► Since she's a teacher, she'd lecture your character about respect. :U Trolling would just go right over her head and she'd probably find messing with cute. So yes to all three.

Mindscrewing ► If it's minor and something she won't be permanently and emotionally ruined by, yes. Anything else just ask

Things that could escalate and prompt firing ► I'd rather not, though Cierra wouldn't get to that point anyway because she's a marshmallow. But it depends, we can talk.

[Can I spit at/jinx/step on/etc? (i.e. fighting)] You can try, but Cierra won't retaliate and will just take authoritative action.

[Can I flirt with/hug/kiss/use other means of non-violent physical contact with this character?]

Flirting ► Yes but she won't know what they're on about

Hugging ► Yes, Cierra likes hugs

Kissing ► Warn and/or ask me because Cierra will actually get defensive about it because "I'M ALREADY SEEING SOMEONE >A<"

Shoulder/head/arm pat ► Yes

Other intimate contact (E.G.: groping and/or sex) ► Groping depends and see offensive subjects regarding sex.

[Anything else?] I think I've covered everything, but if you're still unsure please ping me!

!ooc, !permissions

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