Title: Sounds of Silence
Author: Carly Carter
Rating: PG
Fandom: Lost
Pairing: Kate & Juliet
Disclaimer: Don't own anything
AN: Writtin for
f3iv3lin3 who made this awesome icon and gave me a title too :)
AN 2: Just written in fun, and coz i'm procrastinating with updating all my other unfinished fics.
Sounds of Silence )
Comments 4
And how Juliet's the outcast and sees or thinks to see Kate doesn't really want to go back.
And the chase...oh the chase...very nice =) Especially that both seemed to have a little fun with it until there's that trap.
Katie oh stubborn way to proud Katie, love the conversation with then and I was totally suprised Kate let her near her but it does make sense...she always pushes away but she does want to be taken care of.
And I can totally picture Juliet putting her in a little bit of pain...just because.
VERY WELL DONE! This is on the way to become my favorite story yet =)
PS awesome icon.
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