the Bruce/Natasha friending meme

May 18, 2015 19:02

So I don't know about you, ragazzi, but I feel like I need a support group to like Bruce/Natasha in this fandom. Thus: the Bruce/Natasha friending meme. If you like Bruce/Natasha, please sign up so that we can find and friend each other.

(And even if you don't sign up, if you would pimp, I'd be so grateful.)

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avengers, memes

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Comments 6

carlyinrome May 18 2015, 23:18:07 UTC


Name: Carly
LJ User Name: carlyinrome
Tumblr User Name: goodgodtonystark
AO3 User Name: thecarlysutra


Active Fandoms: MCU, Val Kilmer as a fandom, Jossverse
Lurking Fandoms: Misfits
Fandoms of Days Past: Popular


I post about...: bipolar disorder, writing, fandomy things
My friends are...: the best people on earth


celeste9 May 20 2015, 19:25:36 UTC

Name: Celeste
LJ User Name: celeste9
Tumblr User Name: serceleste
AO3 User Name: celeste9


Active Fandoms: these are things I'm most likely to write fic for at the moment: MCU/AoS/Agent Carter, Arrow/The Flash, Primeval, Merlin, The 100, Temeraire, ASOIAF
Lurking Fandoms: some of these I talk about on my LJ but I'd still say I lurk: Supernatural, Marvel comics, TVD/The Originals, 12 Monkeys, Vikings, Leverage, Doctor Who, X-Men, Veronica Mars, iZombie, Star Wars, Star Trek
Fandoms of Days Past: I tend not to really leave fandoms, but here are some I don't do much with anymore, though I will still sometimes read (or even write) fic or what have you: Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Harry Potter, LotR, Narnia, various Final Fantasy games, Suikoden, Alias, Fringe, Inception, Spartacus, White Collar


I post about...: fandom things mostly, like my thoughts on shows/movies/etc, fic, whatever; every so often something RL, or a picture of my cat *g*
My friends are...: amazing! Anyone who listens to me ramble ( ... )


carlyinrome May 23 2015, 14:32:18 UTC

Sorry for the late response; I've been having some Attack of the Real Life.

It does seem lonely to say you like Bruce/Natasha! For this reason, and because you seem delightful, I am friending you. :D


celeste9 May 24 2015, 22:14:27 UTC
Yay! Hope RL has calmed down a bit, I know the feeling. I've been camping all weekend but I'll go ahead and friend you now!


igrockspock May 20 2015, 23:31:14 UTC

Name: M.
LJ User Name: igrockspock
Tumblr User Name: I don't have one. I live in the dark ages.
AO3 User Name: igrockspock


Active Fandoms: Agents of SHIELD, Daredevil, MCU, The 100, Veronica Mars
Lurking Fandoms: I don't think I have any at the moment
Fandoms of Days Past: Harry Potter, Sherlock, Star Trek


I post about...: 50/50 mix of real life and fannish content. IRL posts tend to be about food, teaching, and travel. Fandom posts tend to be fic, reaction posts, and rec lists.
My friends are...: people who appreciate female characters, respect the opinions of others, and do not start ship wars.


Volume 110, Issue 8 livejournal May 22 2015, 01:09:15 UTC
User somehowunbroken referenced to your post from Volume 110, Issue 8 saying: [...] Miscellaneous - posted the Bruce/Natasha friending meme [...]


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