around the world in 80 days (btvs, buffy/angel, pg)

Dec 02, 2012 15:26

For a2zmom for the 2012 holiday fic meme. She wanted something in the Return to Me-verse. I'd actually started a sequel to Return to Me, but apparently that was lost when my old computer died, so I wrote something new.

Around the World in 80 Days

Dawn gets postcards.

From Eritrea-“Angel is doing much better. I have never in my life seen so much salt! Seriously, they farm salt here, how weird is that?”

From Saudi Arabia-“Okay, the fashion in this city pretty much blows. Also, did you know women aren’t allowed to drive cars here? Shut up, I’m an excellent driver. Angel says hi!”

From India-“I LOVE kheer. How is it that I never knew about kheer before? They should serve this everywhere, like frozen yogurt.”

From Thailand-“Dawnie, the beaches here have baby elephants! They just wander around, like dogs. One let me pet him! I wanted to ride him, but Angel didn’t think that was a good idea.”

From China-“Chinese food? Not what a lifetime of takeout has led me to believe. Also-apparently Angel speaks fluent Mandarin, which is my new favorite thing. He is so sexy in Chinese. Zai jian!”

From Ukraine-“It is cold here, and there are potatoes in EVERYTHING! So many carbs. We’ll be home for Christmas. Love you, Buffy.”

story post, buffy

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