FIC MEME: "The World is Over" (Buffy/Angel, PG) & "I Know What I'm Doing" (Ray/Crow Horse, PG)

Jun 12, 2012 14:55

Day Seven: Write a breakup scene in three sentences without giving the reason for it or using dialogue.

Buffy thought of alternate universes. How maybe there was another world, somewhere, were she and Angel were still together.

There had to be, because her world was over.

Day Eight: Write two characters' second kiss in two sentences.

“One time could be an accident,” Crow Horse said, “but twice is on purpose.”

Ray kissed him again.

Day Nine: Ask flist for prompts. Write one sentence each for the first five prompts you receive.

thunderheart, fanfiction, story post, buffy, memes

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