
Oct 05, 2010 15:37

Thunderheart is one of my all-time top favorite movies, and it would be even if it was Val Kilmerless. Thankfully, we do not have this problem. But I love the movie so much that I even have non-Val-related images in here, and I spend time talking not only about the text, but also about historical significance and stuff like that. It's a good ( Read more... )

thunderheart, picspam!, val kilmer

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Comments 9

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carlyinrome October 5 2010, 19:57:05 UTC

Hee. I am legend.

Don't you worry, kola. The Kiss Kiss Bang Bang review/picspam is coming.


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carlyinrome October 5 2010, 22:34:37 UTC

This comment is of a ridiculous length.

Well, this post was of ridiculous length (six full pages, plus sixty images) so it works out well.

What I remembered while watching this the last time was that this movie introduced me to Bruce Springsteen, and my favorite Springsteen song, "Badlands,"

I actually am not that familiar with Springsteen, but I really like knowing those lyrics; you're right, they're pretty perfect for Ray. I also love the phrase, "accepting the riot inside him."

Ray, for his entire life, has been passing, but the second the brass sees a way to use him - a tool, a PR salve, not a person - the way of interacting with the world Ray has constructed for himself gets thrown in the trash.

It's really sad and unfair. I find myself more upset with that scene with Dawes each time I watch the movie. (It doesn't help that I hate that Fred Thompson prick, who in addition to being a bad actor was a really bad Senator for the state I lived in for many years.)

I really want to quote that entire paragraph dealing with the ( ... )


staringiscaring October 18 2010, 17:14:46 UTC
Loved this movie. This was one of the films we watched in my Native American film class. Great job with the analysis.


carlyinrome October 18 2010, 17:25:03 UTC


Omigod, my love for this movie is unending. It's so beautifully constructed; it's like a perpetual motion machine of plot.

That sounds like a cool class! I hope you watched Smoke Signals. Sherman Alexie is my sekrit boyfriend.

If you enjoy this kind of thing, I'm doing all of Val Kilmer's movies at valkilmersexgod.


staringiscaring October 18 2010, 17:30:25 UTC
I took a American Indian film and then a literature class because it was such a good class. The literature class introduced me to a lot of good authors and books like Ceremony. I loved Smoke Signals! I loved both the book and the movie. I can't wait until the sequel to the movie comes out. Alexie is brilliant. Have you seen the Business of Fancydancing? He wrote the screenplay and one of the guys from Smoke Signals is in it.

Thanks for the link. I'll check it out. That guy is great and I've loved his acting since Tombstone.

(sorry for commenting out of the blue, but I saw your awesome comment on Gunn at buffyquestions and I had to check out your lj)


carlyinrome October 18 2010, 17:36:27 UTC

I actually haven't seen The Business of Fancydancing! It's on my Netflix queue, but the problem with Sherman Alexie (and, do not get me wrong, it's a good problem to have) is that he's so damn prolific. It's hard to keep up with him!

Yes. Tombstone is actually what started this whole project for me; poisoninjest insisted I watch it, despite my general distaste for westerns, and, yes. Hooked.

(I love comments out of the blue! I actually stopped by the buffyquestions post because I recognized your user name from femslash_minis. Gunn needs some love!)


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