Feb 03, 2008 19:01

In the interests of nostalgia and good, old-fashioned, immature fun, I bring you:

the BtVS/AtS Stamping Meme

The rules are simple. You fill out the questionnaire; people vote to tell you which BtVS/AtS character you are! This is greatly aided if you link your questionnaire to your flist; that way, your friends can vote on you, too ( Read more... )

angel, buffy, memes

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Willow Rosenberg carlyinrome February 4 2008, 00:45:00 UTC

You're intelligent and organized and respect authority figures. You are cheerful and sweet even though you're very smart and burdened by tons and tons of researching and writing and Grown Up Things . . . plus, when you're stressed out, you make lists.

How cute are you?


cadence_k February 4 2008, 02:57:20 UTC
I get a grown-up Dawn vibe from you. You sound organized, realistic, and level-headed!


mjinaspen February 5 2008, 03:39:48 UTC
I say, Willow :) You are organized, you respect authority, and you seem to be very rational.


carlyinrome February 4 2008, 00:41:17 UTC

1. Name: Carly
2. LJ Name: carlyinrome
3. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose? Anywhere Oz and Nina are.
4. What do you do to calm yourself down when you get really upset? I'm not good at calming myself down; I'm a bottler. And when I do actually do something to become less upset, it tends to be raging.
5. You're supposed to meet a first date somewhere in ten minutes, but there's no way you'll be ready to go by then, and you have no way to contact the person. What do you do? Panic. Then finished getting ready as quickly as possible and probably break traffic laws getting there.
6. What comes first in life: friends or family? I believe you make your own family, from friends, so family.
7. Are you naturally an optimist, or a pessimist? A pessimist.
8. Do you believe in fate/destiny/kismet? No.
9. A police officer pulls you over. How do you react? I am very polite while handing over my license and proof of insurance, and then I start defending myself, slightly less politely. "I was not going that fast, and if I was ( ... )


Anya lizrocks February 4 2008, 01:26:56 UTC
I can picture her telling a cop the exact same thing.


Re: Anya carlyinrome February 4 2008, 01:34:46 UTC

haha. I do have a problem with tact on occasion.


Anya lafemmedarla February 4 2008, 01:40:45 UTC
I agree about Anya! Plus, you have layers and are yummy. I wanna take you home and pour some whipped cream on you and... what was the topic again?


lafemmedarla February 4 2008, 00:55:13 UTC
1. Name: Patricia.
2. LJ Name: lafemmedarla
3. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose? Paris! London! New York! I do my best in big cities with lots of history and things to do.
4. What do you do to calm yourself down when you get really upset? I walk it off. Sometimes I plot revenge, but mostly I walk it off. Sometimes I do both at the same time.
5. You're supposed to meet a first date somewhere in ten minutes, but there's no way you'll be ready to go by then, and you have no way to contact the person. What do you do? Me late? Unless it's to make an entrance, I'll be there early. If I am truly not ready on time, I hope he/she waits for me. I'm worth it.
6. What comes first in life: friends or family? I'm gonna go with friends because they're the family you make.
7. Are you naturally an optimist, or a pessimist? realistic.
8. Do you believe in fate/destiny/kismet? I believe destiny is written down with a pencil and we can play it to our advantage.
9. A police officer pulls you over. How do you react? I put on my best ( ... )


Darla carlyinrome February 4 2008, 00:58:01 UTC

Can I vote for you as human Darla? Because you're much too sweet to eat babies, but you're wicked and sexy and . . . wicked sexy.

*gropes you*


Re: Darla lafemmedarla February 4 2008, 01:39:16 UTC
Aww, I like that! *gropes you*


Vivica lizrocks February 4 2008, 01:31:55 UTC
You're dark, mysterious, want to see the world, know what you want and aren't afraid to use your sexay-ness to get it.

I agree with carlyinrome. You're like Darla but without the evilness.


jslayeruk February 4 2008, 01:03:12 UTC
1. Name: J
2. LJ Name: jslayeruk
3. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose? London.
4. What do you do to calm yourself down when you get really upset? Eat chocolate or have sex.
5. You're supposed to meet a first date somewhere in ten minutes, but there's no way you'll be ready to go by then, and you have no way to contact the person. What do you do? Keep getting ready and turn up late.
6. What comes first in life: friends or family? Family.
7. Are you naturally an optimist, or a pessimist? I'm not really sure. I began life as an optimist, but the world keeps letting me down and I'm slowly losing my faith in people.
8. Do you believe in fate/destiny/kismet? Well, I believe in God and God having a plan for everyone, which is kind of like fate.
9. A police officer pulls you over. How do you react? Emphasise my breasts. Seriously though, I'd be as cooperative as necessary if I was in the wrong. If I'd done nothing I'd make sure to point out my rights as a citizen and a taxpayer and tell them in the politest possible ( ... )


Lilah Morgan carlyinrome February 4 2008, 01:08:36 UTC

I was tied between Lilah and Cordelia because you're a strong, independent-minded woman who uses sex and chocolate to calm down . . . but then you hate Wes/Fred and you're losing your faith in people, so Lilah it is.

(Also: hi! How are you?)


jslayeruk February 4 2008, 01:19:59 UTC

You replied before I had a chance to edit.

My picture:

... )


carlyinrome February 4 2008, 01:25:50 UTC

I'm sorry for my speedy commenting; I got excited!

Baby you is so cute I might never recover.


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Tara Maclay carlyinrome February 4 2008, 01:33:28 UTC

First: that is a lovely picture of you.

Secondly: you're so calm and mature and understanding and compassionate. There's not a lot of BtVS characters that are anything less than slightly crazy, so Tara seems a good fit for me.


Rupert Giles cadence_k February 4 2008, 03:28:49 UTC
I don't agree with voting along gender lines and you sound so level-headed and down-to-earth. I have to go with Giles.

Also, that's a gorgeous picture!


Jenny Calendar 04nbod February 4 2008, 03:44:29 UTC
and not because you look a little like her in that pic. You are an anglophile and we know jenny liked brits. You are respectful to history and think your family is important much like Jenny and her obligations to her clan. You have a belief in the spiritual which would seem to lend itself to mysticism. (and you have great taste in characters)

*must get buffy icon*


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