twicetoldfandom stories

Jul 31, 2007 23:51

Yay! The Twice Told stories are up! Seriously, you need to check them out; it's an awesome, awesome idea, and there are lots of good stories.


TITLE: Sometimes the Truth is Worse
PAIRING: Buffy/Faith, Buffy/Angel, Faith/Angel
SPOILERS/TIMELINE: Post-“Chosen” & “Not Fade Away”
SUMMARY: There aren’t a lot of ( Read more... )

story post, bones, angel, buffy

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Comments 12

kita0610 August 1 2007, 04:01:06 UTC
Gods, that Buffy/Faith was beautiful. Heartbreaking and painful. "...without even noticing, like a breath or a tear." Beautiful.


southernbangel August 1 2007, 04:05:59 UTC
I love both of these stories--I agree with Kita, the Buffy/Faith is just heartbreakingly powerful--but the Bones fic just made me laugh and laugh. Oh, Brennan. Poor Booth, stymied yet again by Brennan.

Great job, sweetheart. <3 <3 <3 <3


semby August 1 2007, 21:13:04 UTC
Ohh, the Faith/Buffy was so beautiful. Almost hazy and dreamlike. I think dialogue that isn't really dialogue (in quotes) works well in that style of writing - it adds to the flow of the thing, just blends. You used that style very well.

And the Booth/Brennan - hee! And I don't even really watch Bones.


beer_good_foamy August 2 2007, 07:49:00 UTC
Here on a rec from frogfarm. "Sometimes the Truth is Worse" is just... wow. I love how you hinted at Wishverse Buffy, how you sketched the development of both of them in 10 years - and stayed admirably vague on Faith's, too, since Buffy was never the greatest judge of what goes on in onther people's souls. Very Heart of darkness, very bleak, but incredible.


burnt_isabel August 3 2007, 14:28:25 UTC
This is something I'd like to do with you guys while you're here, and I just realized it might get Julie to the beach as well! I can't tell from the site whether it's directly on the beach or not, but since it's located in St Pete Beach, I'm assuming it's at least very close to some sort of beach that we could go to.



carlyinrome August 4 2007, 03:14:20 UTC

Dude, you totally didn't send me a link to whatever it is you're talking about.



carlyinrome August 4 2007, 04:02:11 UTC

Cool. I'm sure Julie will love it.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3


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