bones_alt_ships FIC: "Nocturne," Angela/Booth, PG-13

Jul 07, 2007 16:06

Holly, for serious, I am so in love with you right now. Thank you!

TITLE: Nocturne
PAIRING: Angela/Booth, some Rebecca/Booth
SUMMARY: So, a guy and a girl meet at a bar.
PROMPT: a sidecar, a tavern, coffee; written for the bones_alt_ships ficathon #1.
AUTHOR’S NOTES: A million thanks to my phenomenal beta reader, myhappyface. You’re uniquely gifted at ( Read more... )

story post, bones

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Comments 10

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carlyinrome July 8 2007, 02:52:11 UTC

Dude, you and me both. Seriously; you're a life-saver.

And I'm really happy you liked it. Thank you. :)


kita0610 July 7 2007, 21:32:49 UTC
You make the most beautiful pictures out of words. Now they're in my head, and I want to tuck each one away so it keeps.



carlyinrome July 8 2007, 02:55:56 UTC

Sweetie, thank you so much! That would be wonderful praise coming from anyone, but from you . . . ? I'm giddy. Thank you so much; I'm thrilled you liked the story.



mjinaspen July 7 2007, 23:08:58 UTC
I watch this show every week and never saw these two together. Until now. Their banter is perfect and totally believable. Also, I wish I was Angela in this story...


carlyinrome July 8 2007, 02:53:00 UTC

Oh, thank you so much, honey! I'm glad you liked it, and I'm thrilled that I got you to see the 'ship. *hugs* Thanks for the feedback.


lostakasha July 8 2007, 01:07:22 UTC
So exquisite...

Another girl, a girl who paints and dances and laughs. Against the intimate curve of her ear: “Do you trust me?”

So gorgeous... her soft aloe voice

I breathed this fic in, every word, every pharse.

So beautiful.

(and dare I? will I get slammed for saying this coupling runs rings around B/B, especially in your hands?)


carlyinrome July 8 2007, 02:54:44 UTC

Squee! Thank you so much; this lovely praise, coming from you, just has me glowing.

And dare. Dare to disturb the universe. (And, dude, I so agree with you. I've always agreed with you, from the pilot . . . I mean, come on.)


fodian July 8 2007, 05:08:34 UTC
Oh, I loved this so much. Your Angela warm and funny and flirty and womanly and smart and confident and *everything* Angela should be and your Booth just breaks my heart in the best ways. Your words are so beautiful. mouse's nest soft and her aloe voice and all of it, really.

I do believe this is the first Bones fic I"ve ever read. And you've set the standard *high*.

Wonderfully done.


carlyinrome July 8 2007, 05:30:52 UTC

Oh, sweetie, thank you so much! I'm really pleased that you enjoyed this; it's my first full-length "Bones" fic and I was kind of nervous about it, so your feedback is really going a long way towards helping me to peace.



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