Sunday Synopses

Aug 19, 2012 21:47

The first round-up of summaries and best quotes, scenes and pairing moments from the past week's shows!

Spoilers for the most recent episodes of Warehouse 13, White Collar, Covert Affairs, Pretty Little Liars, Royal Pains and Suits

Show: Warehouse 13
Episode Title: There’s Always a Downside
Airdate: 8/13/12
Summary: Myka and Steve investigate a therapist who seemingly cures her patients overnight, Pete and Claudia meet up with Hugo to retrieve and artifact and Brother Adrian pays Artie a visit at Leena’s.
Best Quote: “This is a job not a ‘choose your own adventure!’” - Artie Nielsen
Most Riveting Scene: When the priest revealed that he knows it was Artie who used the astrolabe. His intensity and refusal to believe that Artie might actually be in the right was a bit surprising as he seemed like a relatively reasonable man when he first came to the Warehouse.
Best Pairing Moment: I don’t really ship anyone in Warehouse 13 but if I did it would probably be Claudia/Steve (which is ridiculous and improbable on every level, yes.) However, Steve sharing his metronome-related problem with Myka and how he’s terrified of the effect it’s going to have on Claudia would have been so shippy if only he weren’t gay.

Show: White Collar
Episode Title: Honor Among Thieves
Airdate: 8/14/12
Summary: Unbeknownst to Peter, Neal assists an art thief in stealing a valuable painting in exchange for information about his past.
Best Quote: “And suddenly I find myself rooting for our mystery thief.” - Neal Caffrey
Most Riveting Scene: Diana visiting Neal’s apartment and then her accompanying anger upon finding out he had played them. We so rarely see her show much vulnerability and I think it’s very telling that she went to Neal, who’s not exactly a friend but not exactly a colleague either. The display of emotion she showed when she realized he might have betrayed them was full of angst and, personally, Diana’s most honest scene to date.
Best Pairing Moment: Neal and Peter on the phone after the hand-off. The hesitance Peter answered the phone with really showed the tension and distrust between them and this concept that Neal might have conned him after all? Brilliant.

Show: Covert Affairs
Episode Title: This is Not America
Airdate: 8/14/12
Summary: Annie’s first mission back at the DPD is in Israel and her Mossad contact is none other than Eyal.
Best Quote: “Do not mistake this for a sign of growth.” - Auggie Anderson upon willingly returning to therapy
Most Riveting Scene: Eyal’s reluctant reveal that he’s in essence spying on her for the CIA and Annie’s reaction. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Annie so quiet and shocked and her conversation with Joan was both incredibly uncomfortable and uncharacteristically honest.
Best Pairing Moment: Eyal and Annie as they were walking to talk to Isaac and she finally blurted out “Simon Fischer.” (As much as I adore Annie/Auggie, these two have such chemistry!) It was a very brief, singular scene but his question, “Target, asset or boyfriend?” and her lack of reaction was telling about both the unspoken miles between them and her tricky relationship with Simon.

Show: Pretty Little Liars
Episode Title: What Lies Beneath
Airdate: 8/14/12
Summary: The girls learn more about Maya’s website as well as her whereabouts just before she died. Meanwhile, Aria deals with more of Ezra’s family drama.
Best Quote: “It was a big carrot.” - Hanna Marin with the lamest excuse for stabbing oneself in the leg ever
Most Riveting Scene: Most certainly when Emily and Hanna were trapped inside Maya’s former hideout at the Kahn’s cabin. Of course, it also begs the question: was the security camera still running while A was writing on the wall?
Best Pairing Moment: I have to say, I’m rooting for Zack and Ella and their very honest date at the end was pure gold.

Show: Royal Pains
Episode Title: Business and Pleasure
Airdate: 8/15/12
Summary: Hank comes to the assistance of an undercover DEA agent at an exotic car show who believes she is being poisoned.
Best Quote: “I really like it when you crack the fiscal whip.” - Evan Lawson to his fiancée
Most Riveting Scene: Hank and Boris in Boris’ office. Hank is most definitely not afraid of that man although I always kind of feel like he should be…
Best Pairing Moment: Definitely don’t ship them (at least not yet) but I was bowled over by Jeremiah’s almost asking Divya out at the end! I think with a little adjusting, I could really come to like them.

Show: Suits
Episode Title: Asterisk
Airdate: 8/16/12
Summary: Louis may hold the deciding vote on whether or not Jessica remains managing partner after Daniel makes him a senior partner.
Best Quote: “I love you like a brother or a cousin, someone you really look forward to seeing at Christmas and then you’re really glad to see leave.” - Donna Paulsen to her on-again-off-again boss
Most Riveting Scene: There were quite a few in this episode but the end with Rachel and Mike at the new apartment was absolutely heartbreaking. I am rather shocked and totally devastated that they killed off Grammy - she was a wonderful addition to the show but I know the emotional toll is going to be a whole new round of conflict for Mike and the overall plot.
Best Pairing Moment: Obviously, Donna and Harvey’s sidewalk meeting at the very beginning. I honestly don’t think either of them finished a single sentence because they just know each other so damn well. Love it! (Plus, the other time??)

television: covert affairs, television: suits, television: pretty little liars, television: warehouse 13, television: royal pains, posts: sunday synopsis, television: white collar

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