Augmented reality game using open-source software

Nov 20, 2007 15:06

Somebody (or a small group of individuals) is in the process of creating a maze game with an interesting twist: To control your character, you move a physical cube around in front of a webcam.

The project is called "levelHead", and uses a well-known branch of Computing Science called Augmented Reality (which, strangely enough, I've never heard of), and a demo video of the system in action is actually available on YouTube and also as a higher-quality ogg-theora file on the project page.

The point of the game is to escape from a set of six cubical rooms within the space of two minutes, with each room having exits to other rooms, some of which are actually traps that send you back to the starting room, causing you to waste precious time looking for the correct doors.

After looking at this project for awhile, I finally managed to get my webcam working (one of those really cheap ones that doesn't have a manufacturer or brand anywhere on the box or unit), so I'm going to see just how far I get with something along these lines.

(yes, I know this project will be released as open source once it's more-or-less finished, but I want to know how it works and this would be one way to do that)

augmented reality, games

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