Friends only

Jul 24, 2006 19:07

-I'm active mostly at
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!friends only

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carisma_sensei August 30 2006, 20:37:01 UTC
Yo no te odio.Esa primera y... a santo de que miraste tu ahora mi información de usuario? No se es un poco como...intentar hurgar en la herida o algo.Me parece absurdo que vengas ahora a mi post de "friends only" para decirme que esa palabra es fuerte.Y si, lo es, y mucho.
Y no me daria miedo decirte algo a la cara, si tuviera algo que decirte, pero no lo tengo, y no pienso volver a tu lj, ni mandarte un e-mail, ni tampoco te contestaria a esta tonteria, pero es que me parece fuerte que le dieras tanta importancia, y mucho mas que volvieras a mi diario.

Yo hace tiempo ya que me olvidé de ti, no se que problema tienes tu ahora conmigo despues de...meses.Asi que quizas debieras hablar tu, creo yo. Y tal y como lo dije, este es un post para pedir ser mi amigo, no para enfrentarse contra mi, y creí que era obvio, pero ya veo que para ti no....en fin....siento aver tardado tanto en contestar a tu absurdo ataque, pero es que no estaba en casa.


fitenao September 12 2006, 14:32:28 UTC
Tell me who you are and where are you from.
♥Where did you find my lj, and why do you want to add me.
i find your lj in naitomea community. nao pic that so cute and i love nao.
i would like to be ur friend.i would like to talk about nao.55555i know u love nao. same*

♥At least 5 interests we could share.
sorry sorry i dont have anything for share.but i still want to ur friend.

i hope u add me. ^^


carisma_sensei September 12 2006, 17:41:24 UTC
oh you like psc bands and that's enough 8DDDDDDDDDD

of course i'll add you^-^!!!♥!!!!


yume_no_yuma September 13 2006, 20:29:29 UTC
Hi, I thought if you want to add? I dont have many friends >.< and I would really like to have. I think you remember me because you made me Keiyuu layout for userinfo~ hehe ^^ (I love it, you made me genki-desu) so i thought if you want to be friend, you sounded so cute and nice!~*
I read your whole userinfo^^. I like some same bands like lolita23q and alice nine. and I think the English..the candy house eating was so cute (that they eat your heart...;_; aww!)~
But you can read my userinfo too, and decide if you want me to add*^-^*



carisma_sensei September 13 2006, 23:57:26 UTC
yay!thanks for adding me!i will add you as well!and don't worry about your english, mine sucked a year ago, and it's not perfect anyway 8D

be sure to comment on my entries once in a while,i'll do that too~~~>*-*>


trastoink September 25 2006, 06:52:09 UTC
♥Tell me who you are and where are you from.
Name: Sarah from Singapore
♥Where did you find my lj, and why do you want to add me.
From Alice Nine community.. Ano.. I love you..??? GIVING 100X CREDIT FOR MAKING MY LAYOUT!!!
♥At least 5 interests we could share.
-Same age: 16
-Have msn
-You have a friend from Singapore..
-I am a fangirl... a crazy one...
-Loves jrock???
♥Anything else you want to add.
ARIGATO GOSAIMASU FOR MAKING MY LAYOUT!! although its not complete yet but, THANK YOU!!!


carisma_sensei September 27 2006, 14:27:26 UTC
you know i added you, but i forgot to tell you here 8D;; XDDD*glomps*


trastoink September 27 2006, 14:31:23 UTC
nevermind.. ^^ but still.. i must really thank you!!! I LOVE YOU!!
te kyero mi amor!!!

*my spanish is lousy.. refrence of spanish phrasebook* HOHOHOHO!!


Wanna be friends? kriszeth October 2 2006, 01:15:46 UTC
♥Tell me who you are and where are you from ( ... )


Re: Wanna be friends? carisma_sensei October 2 2006, 15:38:13 UTC
Como dice mi post, no agrego ya a mas gente como amigos en el livejournal por unos problemillas, aunque crei que nadie mas comentaria, gomen~.

Sin embargo, hay una comunidad de luna sea en la que podrias pedir cosas y bajartelas, tambien soy consciente de que puede que no te hagan ni caso, pero puedes intentarlo^^

Y una vez mas, lo siento mucho, pero no puedo hacer nada mas m(_ _)m.
Perdon por las molestias, gracias.


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