*heart in throat*

Jun 19, 2007 11:11

My parents are currently in Alaska, on their annual salmon fishing trip.

As is the case every time they go out of town, my mom lists me as 'next of kin' for my Great Aunt, Vega.

Vega is 94, and the last of that generation still living (that I actually have met, all the rest are still in Sweden).
She's in a nursing home in Burnsville, and has pretty hard-core Alzheimers.  She's peaceful and happy, but doesn't remember a thing.

I just got a call from the home.


Apparently, she hit her knee on something, and the doctor ordered x-rays.  They were just calling to let me know.

But my heart lept into my throat, because my mom has told me that if she's not around to do it, I'm the one who makes The Decisions.  I'm the one who oks the DNR.   (Officially, all of those decisions have legally already been made, and I would just go and hold her hand.)

I didn't have to make any decisions today, but it brought into sharp focus the fact that one day I may have to.


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