My week off from work started out on a bad note on Friday night, when my digital camera and $50 disappeared from my bag. I was at the pub for a work sundowner, and put my bag down for 15 minutes to grab a drink. I know, I know, I should have known better, but it was on a table with a bunch of my friends' stuff so I thought it would be safe. *sigh*
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Comments 6
b) yay! for vacationing and more fannish fun
c) I'm sorry for your camera, that's awful. I'm going tobuy a new one too as mine broke, what about this one?
b) Actually I was supposed to have next Monday off too, but some of my co-workers are going overseas for some last minute training, so they've cut my holiday by a day. =\ I have a ton of fic to read, as well as the book of SPN essays, plus I want to fit some iconing in there somewhere too. Never enough hours in the day, is there?
c) A few days ago I was talking to my friend who's a photography buff, and while she doesn't have a Lumix, she said she's heard some good things about them. *gives you the thumbs up*
b) A day less is sucky. At least I hope you do the best of the days off you have. More icons from you is a great idea *hints-hints*
c) Thank you for the tips. I think I'm decided *is excited*
Also about the postcard YAY!
Sounds like you're having a nice, chill time on vacation. Yay! for rewatching SPN. I've read a few sides (I know!!) and can't wait for the new season to begin (though I have some doubts about [certain casting spoilers--are you trying to avoid those too?]).
I didn't manage to avoid the huge casting spoilers for the two new female characters, but *shrugs* we'll have to wait and see about how those two work out. I have my doubts too, but I guess, like with Jo, if they don't push the 'tough girls'/romantic angle, there'll be less of a backlash. Let's hope someone from the writing team read your meta. :D
I'm so excited for the new season now! Is it October yet?
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