Title: The Call
Genre: angst, songfic (inspired by Matt Kennon's "The Call")
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: None, Changmin-centric
Author: cariad_82
Warning: suicidal tendencies
Summary: Sometimes a phone call can make all the difference in the world, so don't hesitate to make that call.
Calling is ... )
Comments 12
and now I got at least one comment! URESHI ^_^
like, this is kind of something that is everyone's worst fear with the boys. Because, hey- they've been through SO MUCH, and maybe the pressure would... *smacks hand over mouth* XD
but this oneshoty/drabble was so sweet, because it just reinforced the friendship that the boys share. i found myself smiling so broadly at the end even after the morbid beginning!
btw, ur writing has improved bb!! The more you write, the better you get at wording things and descriptions~~ yay! *huggles*
thank u for this; i love things like this :3
I know it is but fortunately nothing like it happened so far and we'll hope that it never will. And don't think about the what ifs... imagining it is purely awful!
Yeah I am glad that it worked out the way it did :) I don't think I could write a realistic fic where one of them dies, but hey you'll never know.
Oh really? Thank you so much!! That's boosting my muse to write more XD *huggles back*
And well your welcome :)
minnie~ *hugsHim*
that was so meaningful~ the song, the words~ *sigh*
it was short but made me think a looong line of thoughts
thank you for writing this. i loved it
keep writing! i'd love to read more from you =D
I am glad you liked it. And I definitely will write more. The only question is when ^_^ (I have exams starting next week Tuesday)
Gambatte!!! and good luck! dont forget to come back =D
Geez I want aircondition!!!!
so short but makes me shiver! good job bb :Dd
I guess all the fans were anxious that something like this could have happened. Fortunately it didn't and hopefully won't ^_^
Thanks for reading and commenting!
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