Offer: The beautifully designed and autographed hardcover edition of my memoir All the Fishes Come Home to Roost: an American Misfit in India.The true story of how I was raised by strange Americans in India
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To receive your item or service, please contact the seller via email and show some kind of proof of payment, like a copy in email of the PayPal receipt if that's how you paid. If you paid in some other way (ie, by check) I can confirm payment when it arrives if you let me know that I need to and to whom I need to confirm.
To receive your item or service, please contact the seller via email and show some kind of proof of payment, like a copy in email of the PayPal receipt if that's how you paid. If you paid in some other way (ie, by check) I can confirm payment when it arrives if you let me know that I need to and to whom I need to confirm.
Comments 10
Please send the amount of your bid to Rphoenix2 at hotmail dot com at Paypal. Click "personal" and "gift." More details on how to pay here:
To receive your item or service, please contact the seller via email and show some kind of proof of payment, like a copy in email of the PayPal receipt if that's how you paid. If you paid in some other way (ie, by check) I can confirm payment when it arrives if you let me know that I need to and to whom I need to confirm.
Thank you very much!
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Please send the amount of your bid to Rphoenix2 at hotmail dot com at Paypal. Click "personal" and "gift." More details on how to pay here:
To receive your item or service, please contact the seller via email and show some kind of proof of payment, like a copy in email of the PayPal receipt if that's how you paid. If you paid in some other way (ie, by check) I can confirm payment when it arrives if you let me know that I need to and to whom I need to confirm.
Thank you very much!
Please send the amount of your bid to Rphoenix2 at hotmail dot com at Paypal. Click "personal" and "gift." More details on how to pay here:
To receive your item or service, please contact the seller via email and show some kind of proof of payment, like a copy in email of the PayPal receipt if that's how you paid. If you paid in some other way (ie, by check) I can confirm payment when it arrives if you let me know that I need to and to whom I need to confirm.
Thank you very much!
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