Challenge 20

Nov 02, 2015 20:32

CHALLENGE #20: The To-Do List

Description Create something every day for 20 days. (this challenge actually runs for a month just to give you a little extra breathing room). You can do this in a number of ways!

- Create Posts at your journal, or a social post at allthesuits- Create Icons for yourself, or icontests/challenges around LJ (including 20in20s ( Read more... )

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everythingshiny November 2 2015, 07:33:57 UTC

... )


clarahow November 6 2015, 00:44:20 UTC
Hey, whatever works! Glad you figured out how you want to do it.


luminousdaze November 2 2015, 14:27:58 UTC
I thought of something, at the team comm's the team leader(s) could set up a post where members could have the option to comment each day with the thing they've made & get a timestamp to help keep track. If anyone on the team wanted to, they could track the post to see the progress. I'm going to do that now. :)


everythingshiny November 3 2015, 02:16:40 UTC
That's a really great idea!


luminousdaze November 5 2015, 09:37:53 UTC
Thank you. :)


luminousdaze November 5 2015, 09:42:10 UTC
Another question, may I count awards banners I might make for my icontest communities?


everythingshiny November 6 2015, 06:22:59 UTC


luminousdaze November 6 2015, 14:08:08 UTC
Fabulous! Thanks. :)


kitty_fic November 2 2015, 07:47:39 UTC
1- Can it be a mix of icons, fic, other as long as we do something every day? Or does it need to be one type of media - only icons, etc?

2- Does it have to be 20 consecutive days? Or can it be 20/30 non-consecutive?


everythingshiny November 2 2015, 07:49:53 UTC
1. yes a mix is fine
2. no it doesn't, you've got the 10 extra days just in case


kitty_fic November 2 2015, 07:51:30 UTC
Thank you!


starry_wolf November 2 2015, 11:35:31 UTC
Hi, I'm current writing multiple fics for fic exchange - but they're all anonymous unrevealed. How would the tallying work then? I mean, if you really want me to I could PM/email you what I wrote every day, but I'm not supposed to show them to anyone before reveals. And I'm doing like 1k+ words a day, so I don't really have the time to do something on top of that...

Does my (self-reported) daily word count at mini-wrimo count? Although I think those posts are locked to community members only :/

I can probably turn in ~30K words of AO3-posted fic this month, if you're willing to just count that (and take my word for it that the fic exchange fics have been written).


flipflop_diva November 2 2015, 16:28:25 UTC
I'm wondering about this, too, because I'd love to use this as extra motivation for all my fics, but most are for fests/exchanges where I also can't publicly post pieces.

If mimi-wrimo works the same way with the new mod, there is a spreadsheet at the end of the month, and that should be unlocked and would show our reported daily count. Maybe that could work?


everythingshiny November 3 2015, 02:21:02 UTC
self reported daily word count for a fic is fine. You can submit the final product and just say you spend x words each day. a spreadsheet is a nice though!


everythingshiny November 3 2015, 02:20:32 UTC
self reported daily word count for a fic is fine. You can submit the final product and just say you spend x words each day. a spreadsheet is a nice idea, but i won't be checking too thoroughly!

no need to pm or email, but you can make a masterlist of some kind if you like.


bluemermaid November 2 2015, 15:21:56 UTC
So just to be sure I understand correctly, I don't have to make 20 different posts, one per day? I can just make a "masterlist" of sorts, one post which I just update with my daily efforts?

Oh wait it does say "posts" haha, Crystal can't read. So 20 posts then?


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