Challenge 14: Fandom Food!

Dec 04, 2017 03:49

Fandom Food!

♥ For this challenge, we are heading to the kitchen! The idea is to cook something that somehow represents a book/movie/tv show/character/etc.

Need inspiration?
• Make your favorite character's favorite food or dessert.
• Make owl cupcakes for Harry Potter or lion cupcakes for the Chronicles of Narnia.
• Cook an authentic meal for your favorite historical fandom.
• Carve a watermelon to look like a shark for Jaws.
• Make cookies that look like Captain America's shield.

• Still need more inspiration? Try some of the ideas...
here | here | here | or here.

• There are tons of ideas online. I'm sure you'll come up with something great!

• If you absolutely can not cook for some reason... with a little research, you can instead collect and compile a themed recipe collection of no less than 10 recipes. They must fit a cohesive collection based on any fandom, show, movie, character, or theme of your choice.

♥ It doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be made by you!

Points 46 points total

Option 1:
+20 points for a photo of the food you made
+10 points for a short paragraph/summary/description/outline of at least 100 words about what you made
+5 points for crossposting the above to allthesuits.
+10 points for commenting on others' posts (2 points per comment; up to five comments)
+1 for sigtag)

Option 2: (for those who are unable to create or cook something for any reason)
+20 points for a compiled collection of at least 10 recipes/ideas based on the theme of your choice
+10 points for a short paragraph/summary/description/outline of at least 100 words about your collection.
+5 points for crossposting the above to allthesuits.
+10 points for commenting on others' posts (2 points per comment; up to five comments)
+1 for sigtag)

Submit Submit to your team thread using this form:

Photos or links?


Link to your post on allthesuits?

Comments to others:


Due January 30, Midnight CST


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